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Glossary.VIII.History.Chapter 13.Colonialism and Urban Changes.

Chapter - 13 Colonialism and Urban Changes Glossary   Page no. 147 1.   Urbanisation : Noun. the process of making an area more urban.  शहरीकरण 2.   Excavation : Noun.Splendors . खुदाई 3.   Congested : Noun.Crowded. भीड़ - भाड़ 4.   Sprawling : Adjective. Spread out in an ungraceful manner. विशाल 5.   Splendor : Adjective. M agnificent and splendid appearance. अतिप्रभावशाली   सौंदर्य 6.   Arose : Verb.To begin to exist ,to appear. अस्तित्व   में   आना ,  प्रकट   होना Page no. 148 1.   Discontent - Noun. State of being unhappy with something. असंतोष. 2.   Revenue - Noun. Money regularly received by a governmnt etc.  सरकार ,  कंपनी   आदि   की   नियमित   आय ;  राजस्‍व. 3.   Acquiring- Verb.Obtain or buy something,  कुछ   अर्जित   करना   या   ख़रीदना.   4.   Reign - Verb.To rule a country   किसी   देश   पर   शासन   करना. Page no. 149   1.   Massive -   Adjective. Vast  बड़ा. 2.   University -  Noun. विश्वविद्यलय.   3.   Authority -  Noun. P ower. अधिकार.   4.   Residence -  Noun. H ome. निवा

Glossary.X.History.Chapter 1.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Glossary. X. History. Chapter 1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Glossary   Page 3  Enlightenment :  Noun.  ज्ञानोदय  ( इन्लाऐट्नन्मेन्ट ) the process of gaining knowledge And understanding something or making understand something clearly to someone. Homage :  Noun. नजराना.  something that is said or done to show respect publicly for somebody. Shatter :  Verb. तोड़ना. to be  very shocked and upset. Procession :   Noun.जुलूस . a number of people, vehicles, etc., that move slowly in a line, especially as a part of ceremony.  Pact :  N oun. समूहों या देशों के  बीच औपचारिक समझौता .  a former agreement between two or more peoples, groups and countries. Absolutist :  Noun. ब्रह्मवाद.  literally, a form of government or the system of rule that has no restraints on power exercised. Absolutist :  Adjective. निरंकुश. Utopian :  Adjective. a vision of society that is so ideal that it is unlikely to actually exist. िाल्पननि Centralized :  Adjective.केंद्रीकृत Militarized :  Adjective.सैन्य Shatt

Uploading of Short,Long Questions & Checking of Online Answers

Steps for making Uploading system of Short Answer and Long Answer. Inside the box of Multiple Choice We get the option of File Upload option too. If we click that option we get 3 options  as  a.Allow only specific file type. As soon as we switch the button on we get these options. a.Document b.Presentation c.Spreadsheet d.Drawing e.PDF f. Image g.Video h. Audio is allowed We give them allow to upload only   b.Maximum numbers of file. 5 to 10 numbers to be allowed. c.Maximum File Size. 10 MB. ------------------------------ VIII.Ist Mid Term Exam.20-21.  60 Marks.Typology.Marks Division. Marks Divisions in Subjects. History                20 Marks Civics                 20 Marks. Geography         20 Marks. a.MCQ.Answers.                                                                   10 Marks.   b.True or False. 2 Options only.True or False                        10 Marks. c.Fill in the Blanks. 2 Options.                                               10 Marks.