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Glossary.X.History.Chapter 1.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Glossary. X. History. Chapter 1.
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
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Enlightenment : Noun. ज्ञानोदय ( इन्लाऐट्नन्मेन्ट ) the process of gaining knowledge And understanding something or making understand something clearly to someone.
Homage : Noun.नजराना. something that is said or done to show respect publicly for somebody.
Shatter : Verb.तोड़ना. to be very shocked and upset.
Procession : Noun.जुलूस.a number of people, vehicles, etc., that move slowly in a line, especially as a part of ceremony. 
Pact : Noun.समूहों या देशों के  बीच औपचारिक समझौता. a former agreement between two or more peoples, groups and countries.
Absolutist : Noun.ब्रह्मवाद. literally, a form of government or the system of rule that has no restraints on power exercised.
Absolutist : Adjective. निरंकुश.
Utopian : Adjective. a vision of society that is so ideal that it is unlikely to actually exist. िाल्पननि
Centralized : Adjective.केंद्रीकृत
Militarized : Adjective.सैन्य
Shattered : Adjective.बिखर
Autocratic : Adjective.निरंकुश
Emphasize : Verb.महत्त्व पर ज़ोर देना
Liberty : Noun. स्वतंत्रता. Freedom 
Personified : Adjective.व्यक्ति

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Subsequently : Adverb.तत्पश्चात् .after a particular thing has happened.
Bearing :  Noun.आचरण.a relation or connection between subject being discussed.  
Sweeping : Adjective. having a great and important effect.
Fraternity : Noun.भाईचारा.noun, the feeling of friendship and support between people in the same group.
Principality : Noun.रियासत. a state ruled by a prince.
Dynasty : Noun. a series of rulers who are from the same family.
Sovereignty :  Noun.संप्रभता. the power that a country has to control its own government.
Descent : Noun.वंश. a person’s family origins.
Criticise : Verb.आलोचना करना. to say what is bad or wrong with somebody/ something.
Immemorial : Adjective.प्राचीन. that has existed longer than recorded history or than people can remember.
Philosopher : Noun.दार्शनिक. a person who has developed a set of ideas and beliefs about the meaning of life.
Notion : Noun. ख़याल. something that you have in your mind; an idea. 
Culmination : Noun. final stage of something you've been working toward or something that's been building up.
Revolutionary : Adjective. connected with or supporting political revolution.
Endeavour : Verb.(इनˈडे᠎̮वर) 
प्रयास करना . to try hard

Solidarity : Noun.मजबूती. the support of one group of people for another, because they agree with their aims.
Province : Noun.प्रांत या प्रदेश. one of the areas that some countries are divided into with its own local government. 
Plebiscite : Noun.जनमत-संग्रह. A direct vote in which all the people in a region are asked to accept or reject proposal. 
Procession : Noun.जुलूस, शोभायात्रा. a number of people, vehicles, etc. that move slowly in a line, especially as part of a ceremony

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1.Upheaval : Noun.उथल-पुथल. A violent or sudden change or disruption to something.
2.Ethnic : Adje.संजाति विषयक. Relating to a population subgroup  with a common national or cultural tradition. 
3.Distinctive : Adj.विशेष. Characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others.
4.Protracted : Adj.लंबा. Lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.
5.Portray : Noun.चित्रकला. Depict (someone or something) in a work of art or literature. 
6. Persuade : Verb.राज़ी करना. Induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
7.Erect : Verb.निर्माण करना. Put  together and set upright (a building, wall, or other structure). 
8.Cockade : Noun.कोकाइड. A  rosette or knot of ribbons worn in a hat as a badge of office, or as part of a livery. 
9.Dominance : Noun.प्रभाव. Power  and  influence over others.


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