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Showing posts from April, 2020

X.Chapter1.History.The Rise of Nationalism In Europe.

Chapter-1.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Questions-Answers Name of  Book - NCERT Write in brief Chapter 1.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe. Q.1. Write a note on: (a)   Guiseppe Mazzini (b) Count Camillo de Cavour (c)   The Greek War of independence (d) Frankfurt Parliament (e)   The role of women in nationalist struggles Ans.1 (a) Guiseppe Mazzini : - He was a revolutionary leader in Italy. He did play an important role for the unification of Italian territory In 1831 he was sent into exile for attempting revolution. To carry on his program he founded two secret societies, wiz.  a.Young Italy in Marseilles and Young Europe in Berne Mazzini believed that God had intended nation to be the natural unit of mankind. b.Monarchies should be abolished and replaced by democratic republics. Small states and kingdoms of Italy should be unified that would assert the liberty of the Italians. 1. (b) Count Camillo de Cavour: - Count Camillo de Cavour was the chief minister of Sardinia and Pie

X.History.Chapter5.The Age of Industrialisation.

Raman's Classes Chapter V.The Age of Industrialisation. Day1.Period 1.Page 103- 104. Topic E.T.Paul Picture. Terms Orient  - the countries to the east of the Mediterranean, usually referring to Asia. The term arises out of a western viewpoint that sees this region as pre modem, traditional and mysterious. Proto - Indicating the first or early form of something. Persons. E.T.   Paull Understandings 103. The Age of Industrialisation. Fig. 1  Dawn of the Century, published by ET. Paul Music Co .. New York, England,1900.    In 1900,a popular music publisher E.T.   Paull produced a music book that had a picture on the cover page announcing the Dawn of the Century. Fig.1.   Fig.1. As you can see from the illustration, at the center of the picture is a goddess - like figure, the angel of progress, bearing the flag of the new century. She is gently perched on a wheel with wings, symbolizing time. Her flight is taking her into the future. Floating about, behind her, a