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VIII.History.Chapter 9.Establishment of British Rule in India.

VIII.Chapter 9.S.St.History.
Establishment of Company Rule in India.
Topic - The East India Company.
Day1.Period 1. Page 101-102.
Factors : officers 
Alliances : an association or a union formed for mutual benefit. 
Annexation: taking over another country's territory by force. 
Circars : a former division of British India's Madras Presidency / province. 
Paragana : a group of villages in India.
Presidency : the three original provinces of British India,i.e.Bengal, Bombay and Madras.
Dates1757,23rd of June Battle of Plassey
1764,22nd of October Battle of Buxar
Vasco da Gama,Clive,Dupleix.
Vasco da Gama  a Portuguese explorer 
Robert Clive  a British officer and founder of British Empire.
Sirajudaullah 1727 -1757 Commonly known as Siraj-ud-Daulah, was the last independent Nawab of Bengal.
Mir Jafar Army chief of Sirajuddaulah
Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal,
Dupleix a French officer 
Nizam - ul - Mulk, the Deccan Subedar
Shah Alam Mughal Emperor,
Arrival of Vasco Da Gama Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut in 1498 and marked the beginning of the European era in Indian history.By the sixteenth century,the Portuguese had established their colony in Goa in the next century,
India became a popular destination for a large number of European traders, adventurers and missionaries from England,Spain,France,Holland, etc.
Causes of  European success The Age of Imperialism in India began with the weakening and eventually,
a.the disintegration of the Mughal Empire.
b.The lack of a strong central authority led to the emergence of many independent states that revolted against the weak successors of Aurangzeb.They were the states of Bengal, Awadh,Hyderabad and Mysore.
c.The Sikhs, the Marathas,the Jats and the Rajputs are also set up their own kingdoms.  Hence,the stage was set for Europeans to take advantage of this situation,
Trading Companies.Many European trading companies established their trading centers in coastal areas of India.The trading centers were called factories - the places where "factors' or 'officers' worked.Some of the factories were fortified as a safeguard from the rival trading companies.
Import Export :They bought spices,cotton textiles (hand looms), indigo (for dying) and saltpeter (raw material for making gun powder) at cheap rates from India and sold them in Europe and America at high price.The huge profit margin led to a competition among the foreign trading companies.
Eventually the other trading companies had to bow out  to the English and the French companies, who remained the main rivals in India.
The East India CompanyThe history of the world has not witnessed  a more  amazing story than that of the establishment of the British Empire in India.It was not the result of a deliberate effort but a series of episodes that finally led to political dominance of India by the East India Company.
First Post The East India Company set - up trading posts in Surat and the three presidency settlements at Fort William in Bengal,Fort St.George in Madras and the Bombay Castle.
Friendly relations with the local princes They established friendly relations with the local princes to further their profits.The Indian rulers signed alliances to secure the help of the English military to settle their internal rivalries.Taking advantage of the situation.
Divide and Rule The British introduced the policy of 'Divide and Rule'.As a result, the Indian princes became puppets in the hands of the English East India Company House, London

East India House in London and its interior design

Do You Know? The East India Company enjoyed a privileged position with the English government and was granted special rights like trade monopolies and tax exemptions, causing resentment among its competitors.
Writing Skill : How could a trading company become an imperial power ?How could a trading company become an imperial power ?
The real answer is that 
a.the East India Company became an imperial power to protect its trading interests from other European traders.It began as a trading company,took over political control and became the ruler of entire India.The aim of the company was to gain monopoly of the entire trade in the East.
b.The company came into conflict with other foreign traders and hence, built up its own military and administrative departments.
c.It became such a strong force that it took over the governance of Bengal, Madras (now Chennai) and Bombay (now Mumbai).
d.Gradually, the trading company transformed into a an auxiliary government and military
power that ended only in 1858.
The  Carnatic Wars 1746 to 1763.The Carnatic Wars were a series of battles fought between the English and the French,for the control of the trading ports of India,during the years 1746 to 1763.
These wars were driven by opportunism on all sides and though the native princes did not want to surrender their territory to an outside power,they often cooperated willingly with Europeans to strengthen their own position
Home Assignment
a.Understand the contents by reading.
b.Make the inside Questions/Answers by your own.
c.Learn them.
d.Keep eyes over figures.


Establishment of Company Rule in India.
Topic Carnatic Wars
Day2. Period 2.Page 103-104.
1746–48 The First Carnatic War
1749-54 The Second Carnatic War
1756-63 The 3rd Carnatic War
1757,23rd of June Battle of  Plassey
1764,22nd of October Battle of Buxar


Barnet  An English Commodore नौ सेना का उच्च पदाधिकारी 
Anwar - ud - Din
Muhammad Ali- Son of Anwarudin
Nizam - ul - Mulk
Nasir Jung son of Nizam - ul - Mulk 
Chanda Saheb  son - in - law of Dost Ali Khan a contestant member of Nawabship.
Robert Clive the real founder of British empire.
Salabat Jung the fourth Nizam of Hyderabad.
Aliwardhi Khan the Nawab of Bengal
Siraj - ud - Daulah 
Mir Jafar who wanted to become the Nawab, bribed Indian soliders to throw away their weapons.Clive easily won the battle.
Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal,
Shuja - ud - Daulah  the Nawab of Awadh.
Shah Alam,Mughal Emperor, was also taking refuge.
The First Carnatic War (1746–48)The camatic war was the result of Austrian Succession war that took place in 1740. Between and Prussia,England and France entered opposite sides in this war Commodore Barnet, the A Naval Officer arrived into India with troop.But the French proposed peace with British.The met returned to England, 
but Dupleix did not keep his promise and attacked Madras and occupied the British complained to the Nawab.He declared war against the French.
The battle took place 1746.In this battle Anwar - ud - Din was defeated by the French,The Austrian succession war came to an end in 1748.
The power of France weakened in India also.France was forced to sign a treaty handover Madras back to England.
The Second Carnatic War (1749-54) There was war of succession between Chanda Saheb (son - in - law of Dost Ali Khan) and Anwar u - Din, for the Carnatic Nawabship.
After the death of Nizam - ul - Mulk, the Deccan Subedar, in 1788, a war broke out between Mujaffar Jung (grandson of Nizam - ul - Mulk) and Nasir Jung (son of Nizam - ul - Mulk).
The French signed a secret treaty with Muzaffar Jung and Chanda Sahib to help them with well - trained French forces.They defeated Nazir Jung and Anwar - ud - Din, the Nawab of Carnatic and gained monopoly of trade over south India.
Anwar - ud - Din died in the battle and his son Muhammad Ali ran away.On the other hand, the English plotted with Nazir lung and defeated the French army.
The 3rd Carnatic War (1756-63) The Third Carnatic War began in 1756 between the French and the English.
When the French besieged Madras,Robert Clive sent Colonel Ford to occupy Northern Circars. 
Ford occupied Northern Circars and brought Salabat Jung (the fourth Nizam of Hyderabad) under his control.Salabat Jung gave Northern Circars to the British.
A battle took place in 1760 at Wandiwash between the English and the French.The French were defeated.
Pondicherry (now Puducherry) was occupied by the British.When the seven year war ended in Europe in 1763, the Treaty of Paris was signed.As per this treaty, Pondicherry was given back to the French.
Robert Clive, succeeded in making a name for himself among the native princes.He won many more battles for the English and folled Dupleix, the French General, at every turn. As a result of constant defeats, Dupleix was called back to France in disgrace,
Eventually, French East India Company was dissolved in 1770.The French ambitions of fighting an empire in India ended and the British supremacy was firmly established,
Conquest of  Bengal The British wanted the control of the rich province of Bengal.
Alwardi Khan,the Nawab of Bengal,was an able administrator.He had followed a policy of keeping the European merchants under control but after his death, his grandson, Siraj - ud - Daulah became the Nawab.The British started extending the fortification of Calcutta (now Kolkata).  Meanwhile, Siraj - ud Daulah's troops took over Calcutta.Robert Clive set out from Madras with an army of 900 Europeans and 1,200 sepoys, armed and trained in the European style of warfare recaptured Calcutta.
Battle of Plassey

Battle of  Plassey (23rd of June 1757) It was fought between the forces of East India Company under Robert Clive and the army Siraj - ud - Daulah at Plassey between Calcutta and Murshidabad. 
Mir Jafar,who wanted to become the Nawab, bribed Indian soliders to throw away their weapons.Clive easily won the battle.
The British consolidated their position in Bengal by making Mir Jafar, the Nawab of Bengal.He gifted large sums of money and 24 Parganas of Bengal to the British But Mir Jafar could not fulfill the constant demands of the British.So,they installed his son - in - law, 
Mir Qasim,as the Nawab.He granted equal trade facilities to the British and the Indian merchants.This annoyed the British and they attacked him.Mir Qasim took refuge at Awadh with Shuja - ud - Daulah where Mughal Emperor, Shah Alam, was also taking refuge.
Battle of Buxar (22nd of October 1764) 
The Battle of Buxar was very important in the history of India.The East India Company's victory in this battle established British colonial rule in Bengal Presidency and subsequent expansion of British control all over India,
Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal,refused to be a puppet in the hands of the British.He wanted complete control of Bengal.  He wanted to check the growing power of the officers of the East India Company.It resulted in a conflict and led to the Battle of Buxar (now in Bihar).
Home Assignment
a.Understand the contents by reading.
b.Make the inside Questions/Answers by your own.
c.Learn them.
d.Keep eyes over figures.


VIII.Chapter 9.S.St.History.
Establishment of Company Rule in India.
Topic - The Anglo Mysore War
Day3.Period 3.Page 105-106.
1765-72 Dual Government in Bengal
1767-69  First Anglo - Mysore War
1773 The Regulating Act  to regulate the activities of the East India Comp
1780-84 The  Second Anglo - Mysore War 
1784  Pitt's India Act passed.It set - up a board of control to remove the shortcomings of the Regulating Act of 1773.
1789–92 Third Anglo - Mysore War.
1799 Fourth Anglo - Mysore War 
Hector Munro 1726 -1805 General Sir Hector Munro,was a British soldier who became the ninth Commander-in-Chief of India.
Hyder Ali died in 1872.Haidarālī was the Sultan and de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore in southern India.Born as Sayyid wal Sharif Hyder Ali Khan, he distinguished himself militarily, eventually drawing the attention of Mysore's rulers. 
Munaro,Warren Hasitngs,Wellesley.
Tipu Sultan 1750 -1799 Tipu Sultan, also known as Tipu Sahab or the Tiger of Mysore, was the ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore and a pioneer of rocket artillery.
Warren Hasting 1732 -1818 Governor of Bengal,in 1772 abolished the Dual Government and gained the complete control over Bengal.
Lord Wellesley 1760 -1842 He remained the Governor-General of India during 1798–1805.

India during Anglo Mysore War.

UnderstandinsThe battle was fought between the British East India Company led by Major Hector Munro a xames of Mir Qasim, Shah Alam II (Mughal Emperor) and Shuja - ud - Daulah (Nawab of Awadh at Buxor)
the battle was beneficial for the expansion of the power of the East India Company. It gained rule and  the Diwani - the right to collect the revenue from Bengal, which included Bihar and Orissa now Odisha.
Dual Government in Bengal (1765-72) Right to collect Diwani by the British began a Dual Government in Bengal, the Nawab looked after the  administration and the company controlled the army, the judiciary and the revenue collec arrangement gave immense power to the British without any responsibility.But the general public suffered.Thousands of people died in the Bengal famine  in 1770 but the Company did not  help and the  victims and the Nawab did not have the resources.
Warren Hasting, Governor of Bengal,in1772 abolished the Dual Government and gained the complete control over Bengal.
Do You Know? The British passed 
the Regulating Act of 1773 to regulate the activities of the East India Comp but the corruption of the company officials continued.Therefore, 
in 1784, Pitt's India Act passed.It set - up a board of control to remove the shortcomings of the Regulating Act of 1773
Hyder,Tipu Sultan
Anglo - Mysore Warsafter the death of the Raja of Mysore of the Wodeyar dynasty in 1760, Hyder Ali bec ruler of Mysore.He extended his territories over Bednore, Sundre, Sera, Canara and Guti, subjugated some parts of south India.At this time, Warren Hasting faced stiff resistance Marathas in the north and Hyder Ali in Mysore.
First Anglo - Mysore War (1767-69) Hyder Ali gained some success even against the British and almost captured Madras.  Ir Nizam, the Marathas and the English made a Triple Alliance against Hyder Ali of Mysore as jealous of his increasing power.  But Hyder Ali beat the English at their own game by making ory the Marathas and luring the Nizam with territorial gains.  He Attacked Arcot.The British we of as they incurred heavy losses.  They had to sign a treaty of peace and mutual help with Hyder Ali.
The  Second Anglo - Mysore War (1780-84) In 1780, the English wanted to attack the French at Mahe, located on the west coast of Maysore. Hyder Ali did not permit it  therefore the English declared war against Hyder Ali and his alliance with the Nizam and the Marathas.Hyder Ali captured Arcot by defeating the English army.The British broke the alliance.Inspite of that, Hyder Ali gave a crushing defeat to the British
 Hyder Ali died but his son,Tipu Sultan, continued to fight against the British.The battle came after the Treaty of Mangalore in 1784 when both the parties decided to restore each other's conquered territories and set the prisoners free.
Third Anglo - Mysore War (1789–92) Tipu Sultan, allied with the French and invaded the nearby state of Travancore in 1789, was a British ally. The British were already looking for an excuse to crush Tipu's power.  Hence war started between the two, resulting in the defeat of Mysore. The war ended after the siegee Srirangapattnam in 1792. Tipu was forced to sign the treaty of Srirangapattanam.  Mysore hade handover half of its territory to the British along with Tipu's two sons as war hostages.
Fourth Anglo - Mysore War (1799)  When Lord Wellesley became the Governor - General of India in 1798,Tipu Sultan's alliance with the French was seen as a threat to the East India Company.  As a result, Mysore was attacked from a four sides.The Nizam of Hyderabad and the Marathas launched an invasion from the north and the British attacked from south, east and west.The British won a decisive victory at Srirangapattana in 1799.
Tipu was killed during the defense of the city.  Much of the remaining Mysorean territor was annexed by the British, the Nizam and the Marathas.  The remaining core, around Mysore and Srirangapattanam, was restored to the Indian prince belonging to the Wodeyar dynasty who ruled till 1947.
Home Assignment
a.Understand the contents by reading.
b.Make the inside Questions/Answers by your own.
c.Learn them.
d.Keep eyes over figures.

Holkar,Ranjeet Singh,Gulab Singh
VIII.Chapter 9.S.St.History.
Establishment of Company Rule in India.
Topic-The Anglo Maratha War.
Day4.Period 4.Page107-108.
Scindia - is a Hindu Maratha dynasty that ruled the erstwhile State of Gwalior. The Gwalior state was a part of the Maratha Confederacy in the 18th and 19th centuries, and a princely state of the colonial British government during the 19th and the 20th centuries.
Peshwa - Chief Minister of Maratha empire
Raghunath Rao,1734 -1883 Raghunathrao Bhat was the 10th Peshwa of the Maratha Empire for a brief period from 1773 to 1774.
Madhav Rao Il,1774 - 1795 Peshwa Madhav Rao II was the 11th Peshwa of the Maratha Empire in India,from his infancy.He was known as Sawai Madhav Rao or Madhav Rao Narayan.He was the posthumous son of Narayanrao Peshwa, murdered in 1773 on the orders of Raghunathrao.
Peshwa Baji Rao II,1775 - 1851 Baji Rao II was the 12th and the last Peshwa of the Maratha Empire.He governed from 1795 to 1818. He was installed as a puppet ruler by the Maratha nobles,whose growing power prompted him to flee his capital Poona and sign the Treaty of Bassein with the British. 
Raghunath,Madhav,Baji Rao
Jaswant Rao Holkar,1776 - 1811 H. H. Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Shrimant Chhatrapati Yashwant Rao Holkar Bahadur,belonging to the Holkar dynasty of the Maratha Empires was the raja of the Maratha Empire.He was born on 3 December 1776.He was a gifted military leader and educated in accountancy as well as literate in Persian and Marathi.
Ranjit Singh,1780 - 1839 Maharaja Ranjit Singh, popularly known as Sher-e-Punjab or Lion of Punjab,was the leader of the Sikh Empire,which ruled the northwest Indian subcontinent in the early half of the 19th century.
He survived smallpox in infancy but lost sight in his left eye.He fought his first battle alongside his father at age10.
Dalhousie,1812 - 1860 known for the Doctrine of Lapse was a Scottish statesman and colonial administrator in British India. He served as Governor-General of India from 1848 to 1856.
Lal Singh  He was the Wazir of the Sikh state along with Tez Singh he truned a traitor for the British and remained the cause for the defeat for the Sikh.
Raja Gulab Singh Dogra,1792 - 1857 Maharaja Gulab Singh Jamwal was the founder of royal Dogra dynasty and first Maharaja of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, the second largest princely state in British India, which was created after the defeat of the Sikh Empire in the First Anglo-Sikh War. 
1775-82 - First Anglo - Maratha War
1782        Treaty of Salbai 
1803-05Second Anglo - Maratha War
1817-18 -Third Anglo - Maratha War
1845-46First Anglo - Sikh War
1848–49 Second Anglo - Sikh War
Anglo - Maratha Wars.The internal problems of the Marathas and the growing ambition of the English saw the conflict of interests between the British and the Marathas during the period between 1775 to 1818
First Anglo - Maratha War (1775-82) British wanted to sign an  alliance with aspiring Peshwa, Raghunath Rao against Madhav Rao Il.The Maratha chieftains backed Madhav Rao.
The British provided 2,500 men to Raghunath.He gave Salsette and Bassein to the English along with a part of revenue from Broach and Surat districts.
The two sides signed the Treaty of Salbai (1782).It gave the British 20 years of peace with the Marathas.
Second Anglo - Maratha War (1803-05) In 1801,there was a conflict among the Marathas over Peshwaship.Peshwa Baji Rao II entered the Subsidiary Alliance Madhav Rao Il with the British and got the British protection against Jaswant Rao Holkar.
The British troops drove Holkar out.Peshwa Baji Rao signed a treaty with the British was opposed by Maratha chieftains - the Sindhia and the Bhosale.This resulted in the Second Anglo - Maratha War in1803.
The Maratha chiefs failed to unify and were defeated by the well - equipped and disciplined British Army.
The Bhosales and Sindias were forced to sign treaties with the British and hand over large territories.
Do You Know? Subsidiary Alliance was the British policy of providing military assistance to Indian in exchange of paying for army maintenance.A British resident was stationed at the court for security from other rulers,but the main purpose was to keep other European powers away    
Third Anglo - Maratha War (1817-18) Peshwa Baji Rao II did not like his subordinate position under the British.He tried the Maratha chiefs against the British but failed.He was forced to surrender.The British abloshied the position of Peshwa and Marathas were limited to the small kingdom of Satara.This was the end of  mighty Maratha power.
Anglo Gurakha War Between 1814 to 1826, the British had to fight many wars against Gurkhas in the North Burmese in the North - East.The British signed peace treaties with them.
Anglo-Sikh Wars.
First Anglo - Sikh War (1845-46)During this period,the Sikh power was growing in the North - West region of Punjab.The British made a peace treaty with Maharaja Ranjit Singh to check his growing power.
After his death,there was a lot of infighting amongst Sikhs.
The Sikhs had built up a strong army against the British and Afghan aggression.When the British attacked,the united forces of Punjab Hindu,Muslim and Sikh,faced the huge British army bravely.
But Prime Minister Lal Singh and Commander Tej Singh turned traitors and the Punjab army was defeated.
They were forced to sign the Treaty of Lahore.
The British occupied Jullander Doab and handed Jammu and Kashmir to Raja Gulab Singh Dogra.
Second Anglo - Sikh War (1848–49) The British wanted a complete control of Punjab by ending the Sikh Kingdom.
The immediate cause of this war was the exile of Lal Singh on charges of conspiracy.Lord Dalhousie,the great annexationist,attacked Punjab and made it a part of British India in 1849.
The British started consolidating their power by limiting the powers of the Indian princes and building a stronger army in India.
Home Assignment
a.Understand the contents by reading.
b.Make the inside Questions/Answers by your own.
c.Learn them.
d.Keep eyes over figures.


  1. You made this in very simple words
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    Once again THANK YOU

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