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VIII.History.Chapter 9.Establishment of Company Rule.

Chapter 9

Establishment of Company Rule

Assumption (कल्पना)
Artifact : an object made by human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest like weapons, jewellery, coins, etc.
Bill : a draft of law presented before a law making body for consideration.
Imperialism : a policy of extending  a country's territory and influence through colonisation over a weaker country
Renaissance : a revival of or renewed interest in something
Vernacular : the language or dialect spoken by the common people of a particular country/clan/group.
Something to know.
A. Tick the correct option.
1. Where is Fort William located 
(a) Bombay  (b) Calcutta      (c) Cochin    (d) Madras
Answer:- (b) Calcutta
2.The Battle of Plassey was faught in the year
(a)1754   (b) 1755                (c) 1756       (d) 1757
Answer:- (d) 1757 
3.Which ruler was killed in the Fourth Anglo-Mysore war
(a) Hyder Ali (b) Shah Alam (c) Nizam-Ul-Mulk  (d)Tipu Sultan
Answer:- (d) Tipu Sultan
4.The first Governor-General of British India was 
(a) Robert Clive (b) Warren Hasting  (c) Lord Dalhousie (d) Lord Wellesly
 Answer:- Warren Hasting
5.In which battle Siraj-Ud-Daulah was defeated by Robert Clive
(a) Battle of Panipat (b) Battle of Buxar (c) Battle of Plassey (d) Battle of Wandiwash
Answer:- (c) Battle of Plassey
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Arcot  was the capital of Carnatic.
2. The East India Company  built small army units at presidency settlements.
3. Dupleix  was called back to France in disgrace.
4. Diwani  means the right to collect land revenue.
5. Second Anglo-Mysore War ended with  the Treaty of Mangalore in 1784.
C.Match the following.
1. Lord Wellesley (a) Greatest annexationist
2. Tiger of Mysore   (b) Governor-General of India in 1798
3. Lord Dalhousie (c) Nawab of Carnatic 
4. Anwar-Ud-Din  (d) Tipu Sultan 
5. Mir Qasim (e) Nawab of Bengal 
Answer:-  1. - (b) , 2. - (d) , 3. - (a) , 4. - (c) , 5. - (e)

Book Exercise question
Q.D Answer the following questions very briefly.
Q.1.Which Portoguese explorer discovered the sea route to India?How did this  mark the  beginning of European era in India?
Answer.Vasco da Gama the Portoguse explorer discovered the sea route to simply guided and showed the route to other Europeans as the British,French,Dutches etc.
Q.2.Why did the European trading companies set up trades in coastal areas?Answer.European trading companies as the British,French and the Portuguese established their trading centers in coastal areas of India because they could utilize their naval power. They were the traders.
At the time of crisis they could ask extra naval support from their countries.
The trading centers were called factories -The place where factors or officials worked.
Q.3. Explain the policy of  'Divide and Rule' adopted by the British.What was its impact on the Indian  princes?
Ans-The British adopted the policy of divide then rule.The East India Company established friendly realitions with the local princes to further their profits.
   The Indian rulers signed alliances to secure the help of the English military to settle their internal rivalries.
   Taking advantage of the situation,the British introduced the policy of 'Divide and Rule'.
   As a result,the Indian princes became mere puppets in the hands of the English.Lastly they fell in their trapping. 
Q.4.Describe the causes and consequences of the First Carnatic War.
Answer.The causes are as follows.
   Austrian Succession war The camatic war was the result of Austrian Succession war that took place in 1740. Between and Prussia,England and France entered opposite sides in this war.
   Commodore Barnet, the A Naval Officer arrived into India with troop.But the French proposed peace with British. Anwaruddin also supported this peace.He returned to England, 
   Attack over Madras But Dupleix did not keep his promise and attacked Madras and occupied it.The British complained to the Nawab.He declared war against the French.
   The battle took place 1746.In this battle Anwar - ud - Din was defeated by the French,The Austrian succession war came to an end in 1748.
   Treaty The power of France weakened in India also.France was forced to sign a treaty handover Madras back to England.
Q.5.How did the assumption (कल्पना) of Diwani benefit the East India Company?
Answer.Right to collect diwani gave the British enormous right to collect revenue from the Indians.By this the British established  a system of the dual government in Bengal which started in 1765 and ended by1772.
    The nawab looked after the administration and the company controlled the army,the judicial and the revenue collecting of Bengal.
So the British gained the economic power that benefited it too much.

 E. Answer the following questions.
Q.1.How did East India Company became an imperial power in India. Explain?
Ans- The  East India Company became an imperial power in India to protect its trading interests from other Europeon traders.They came from England. 
   It began as a trading commpany.It opened different posts in Surat and other places.The company built up a strong force that took over the governance of Bengal, Madras and Bombay 
   and ultimately a trading company took over political control and become the ruler of entire India.
Q.2.What is meant by a Dual government in Bengal? How did it lead to public suffering ?
Answer.Right to collect diwani by the British began a dual government in Bengal. It started in 1765 and ended by 1772.
    The nawab looked after the administration and the company controlled the army,the judicial and the revenue collecting of Bengal.
    Thousand of people died in Bengal famine in 1770 but the company did not help the victims and the nawab did not have the resources.
Q.3.The Battle of Buxar was a turning point in India.Give arguments to support the statement.
Ans -Battle of Buxar was a turning point of East India Company in the history of India because it signified a unique and unparalleled autonomy of British authority on the Indian subcontinent.
   (i) Battle of Buxar was faught on 22 October 1764 within  the armies British East India Company, and the united armies of  Nawab of Bengal the Nawab of Awadh, Mir  Qasim and the Mughal ruler Shah Alam II.
  (ii) it was a crucial achievement for the British East India Company.The war ended by the Treaty of Allahabad in 1765.This war also inspired Indians to start the process of protecting India against the British.
Q.4.What was the importance of the Battle of Plassey?
Ans- The Battle of Plassey was a major battle that took place on 23rd June 1757 at Palashi, Bengal. 
It was an important British East India Company victory over the Nawab of Bengal and his French allies. 
As a result of the Battle of Plassey, the French were no longer a significant force in Bengal. In 1759, the British defeated a larger French garrison at Masulipatnam, securing the Northern Circars. 
It let the British East India Company take control of this part of the Indian subcontinent.
Inside questions
Quest.When and where did the Vasco da Gama land in India ?
Answer.Vasco da Gama landed in Calicut in 1498.
Quest.Who were the first Europeans who established their colony in India ?
Answer.Portuguese were the first Europeans who established their colony in India by 1498.
Quest.Which states set up their own kingdom ?
Answer.The states which set up their own kingdom were Bengal, Awadh, Hyderabad, Mysore.The Sikhs,the Marathas,the Jats and the Rajputs.
Quest. Which were the factories?
Answer.The trading centers were called factories.
Quest.Which items were bought from India?
Answer.The Europeans bought spices, cotton,textile,indigo saltpetre from India and sold them in Europe and America at a high rate.
Quest. What was the name of British trading company?
Answer.The East India Company was the name of British trading company in India
Quest.Name the centers established by the British in presidential town?
Answer.The centers established by the British are:-
a.Fort William in Bengal.
b.Fort St.George in Madras.
c.Bombay Castle.
Quest.which company enjoyed a privileged position with the English government?
Answer.The East India Company.
Quest. When was the company rule ended?
Answer.The company rule ended in 1858.
Quest. Where was the East India Company house located?
Answer  London.
Quest. When did the Caranatic war take place?& between whom?
Answer : The Carnatic war take place during the year 1746 to 1763 between the English and the French.
Quest.Where was the headquarter of the French trading company in India?
Answer.The headquarter of the French trading company in India was Pondicherry and that of the English at Madras
Quest.Who was Chanda sahib?
Answer.Chanda sahib was the son in law of Nizam of Hyderabad.
Quest.Who was Mohammad Ali?
Answer.Mohammad Ali was the son of Anwaruddin the valuable of Caranatic.
Quest.Who was Dupliex?
Answer.Dupliex was the French general who participated in the second Caranatic war.
Quest.Which two forigen powers struggle for Carnatic?
Answer.The two powers English and French did struggle for Carnatic.
Quest. When did the Second Carnatic War take place?
Answer.The second Carnatic war took place in the year of 1756-1763.
Quest.Who was the nawab of Bengal?
Answer.Ali wardi khan was the nawab of bengal.
Quest.Who become the nawab of Bengal after Aliwardi Khan?
Answer. Siraj ud Daulah become the nawab of Bengal after Aliwardi Khan.
Quest.When was the Battle of Plassy take place & between whom?
Answer.Between the British and the Nawab of Bengal ,Siraj ud Daulah the Battle of Plassey took place in Culcutta & Murshibad on 23rd June 1757.
Quest.Who was Mir Kasim?
Answer. Mir kasim was the son in law of Mir Zafar.
Quest.Who was the ruler of Mughal empire?
Answer. Shah Alam was the ruler of Mughal empire in Delhi.
Quest.Who was Mir Zafar?
Answer.Mir Zafar was the nawab of Bengal.
Quest.Who was the nawab of Awadh?
Answer.Shuja-ud-daulah was the nawab of Awadh.
Quest.Which was diwani?
Answer.Diwani was the right given to the British to collect land revenue in Bengal in 1765.
Quest.When did the dual government begin?
Answer.The dual government began in 1765 and ended by 1772.
Quest.Who was the governor of Bengal?
Answer.Warren hasting was the governor of Bengal.
Quest.When did the Regulating Act come into existence?
Answer.The Regulating Act was passed in 1773.
Quest.When was the Pitts India Act passed?
Answer.The Pitts India Act was passed in 1784.
Quest.When did the Anglo Mysore War take place?
Answer.The Anglo Mysore war took place in 1767-69,1780-84,1790-92,1799 against the British and the ruler of Mysore.
Q.Additional.1.Define the term  factory?
Answer.The place where factors or officials worked.
Q.Additional.2.Name four states that revolted against the weak successors of Aurangzeb?
Answer.The four states that revolted against the weak successors of Aurangzeb are as follows :- 
a Bengal b. Awadh c.Hyderabad d.Mysore
Q.Additional.3.Name the three presidency settlements set up by East India company.
a.Fort William in Bengal,
b.Fort in Madras 
c.and The Bombay Castle in Bombay.
Q.Additional.4.List the members of Triple Alliance of 1767.
Answer.The members of Triple Alliance were as follows
a. The Nizam
b. The Marathas
c. The English
Q.Additioal.5.Mention any two results of Battle of Buxar.
Answer.The two results are:-
a. The East India Company established British colonial rule in Bengal presidency.
b. The British East India company gained the rule and diwani.
Q.Additional.6.Write any two reasons that attracted the European trading companies of India.
Answer.The two reasons are:-
a. India was divided into many small parts.
b. India was a good market for the European groups.
Q.Additional.7.Write a short note on the First Anglo Sikh war of 1845-46.
Answer.In 1845-46 the Sikh power was growing in the north west reason of Punjab.The British made a peace treaty with Ranjit Singh to check his growing power after his death,were there was a lot of infighting amongst Sikhs.
    The sikhs had built up a strong army against the British and Afghan aggressions . When the British attacked , the united forces of Punjab-Hindu , Muslim and Sikh , faced the huge British army bravely. 
   But prime minister Lal Singh and commander Tej Singh turned traitors and the Punjab army war defeated.


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