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VIII.History.Chapter13.Colonialism and Urban Changes.

Chapter 13 
Colonialism and Urban Change 
Topic Urbanisation of Calcutta.
The Excavation of Indus Valley Civilization proved that ancient India had well - planned towns and cities.  During the Medieval Period also, the regional kingdoms and the invaders contributed to the development of already existing towns and cities, though in some areas, new towns and cities also developed. The Mughal architectural splendors showcased beautiful buildings as well as new towns.
Unfortunately, de - urbanisation was significant development during the British rule in India.Many ancient towns and cities were destroyed or abandoned.The main focus of urban development came to be concentrated - urbanization on the three port towns - Bombay, Calcutta and Madras.These places later became the Presidency towns.
Remains of old town.
Do You Know? means the destruction or end of old towns and cities. 
Many towns, that had been popular earlier for some specialized goods, lost their glory with the decline in demand for their products.The old trading centers and ports were replaced by new trade centers.  
De - urbanization during the nineteenth century destroyed the important cities of Surat, Masulipatnam and Srirangapattnam.  Moreover, the rapid expansion of British power in India ended the power of regional kingdoms, which were earlier great centers of administration.  Once they lost their glory, many people migrated to other cities.  
Urbanization started gradually in 1881.The process was very slow during the next 50 years.  Only a few new centers of administration emerged.  
Urbanisation of Calcutta 
By early nineteenth century, Calcutta, the capital of the British, came to be divided into two parts 
(i) the British part was known as the White Town.  
(ii) the Indian part was known as the Black Town.
The Indian part was inhabited by the poor. It had congested streets and shanties, whereas the British part had sprawling bunglows and with wide open spaces.
The speedy industrial growth from 1850s in Calcutta, especially, in the field of textile and jute, attracted  British investments. 
They started building infrastructure facilities like railways, roads and telegraph lines. Henceforth, the population and employment opportunities of Calcutta increased tremendously. 
As the size and population of the new urban areas expanded, a need for "Urban Local Bodies arose. Hence  , in the nineteenth century, the Calcutta Municipal Corporation was established.
Understandings.Page 148.
But Increasing political discontent all over India forced the British to relocate their capital to New Delhi in 1911 as it was more centrally located for administrative convenience.
Delhi has a long history.It is believed that the town was known as "Indraprastha 'during the times of epic Mahabharata.The earliest architectural remains, found in the city of Delhi, date back to the Mauryan period. 
Subsequently, the city saw the rise and fall of many empires like the Guptas, the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughals and many others. 
Do you know? 
In 1947, the population of Delhi was 7 lakhs. As per Population Census 2011, Delhi's population was about 1.68 crores. It has put a great pressure on municipalities  , public works, planning, railway links, police, etc. 
Do You Know? Shahjahan  built a wall around a specific area of Delhi (now in Old Delhi) with 14 gates In  1639. It came to as the Walled City the Walled City.
Delhi construction In 1805, the British took over lands, revenue and city administration of Delhi. They started acquiring more and more land for troops, camps, churches, hospitals,residences, clubs, etc.
The cantonment occupied about one - third of the area of ​​ be known 
Town Duties Committee In 1824, the era of urban planning began in Delhi when a Town Duties Committee was set - up by the Britishers for the development of the Cantonment, Khyber Pass, the Civil Lines and the Ridge area.  
Delhi Municipal Committee.In 1863, Delhi Municipal Committee was formed.  Its main achievements were shifting of the vegetable market outside the walled city, constructing railway lines, railway stations and road links.  
Delhi Durbar of 1877 (for Queen Victoria) saw a lot of improvement like schemes for drainage, water supply, irrigation, road construction and development of residential areas in Delhi.The canal in Chandni Chowk was filled up and trees were cut to cater to increasing traffic  , especially, the trams.  The most modernized developments of this time were piped water and sewerage of the walled city.  Earlier, the drinking water was supplied to the old city from Ali Mardan Canal. 
Queen Victoria
Do you know?  Queen Victoria was the queen of the United Kingdom (Great Britain) and Ireland from 1837–1901.  Her reign was the second longest reign of any other British monarchy in history after Queen Elizabeth - II.  From 1 May 1876, she adopted the additional title of Empress of India.  This title was proclaimed at Delhi Durbar in 1877.  
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Chapter 13 
Colonialism and Urban Change 
Topic Urbanisation of Calcutta.
Understandings.Page 149
The British shifted their capital from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911. The Delhi Durbar (for King George V) changed the look of the city.  Civil Lines area (now Delhi University and Old Secretariat) was set - up.  
old Secretariat,India Gate.
The construction of the new capital was a massive task and hence, the construction and management could not be left to a local authority, therefore, the Imperial Delhi Committee was formed in 1913. Later, the Chief Commissioner of Delhi created the Raisina Municipal Committee.
  Photo of Old Secretariat, Delhi 
Raisina Hill was selected for building the new capital - New Delhi.  It became the residence of the Viceroy and the new administrative center.The English town planners, especially, Edwin Lutyens, prepared the architectural design for the palace of the Viceroy, called the Viceroy's House (now Rashtrapati Bhawan), Circular Pillar Palace (Parliament House) Kingsway (Rajpath) and War Memorial (India Gate) along  with many green spaces, parks and gardens, 
Do You Know ?  India Gate was built in the memory of 90,000 soldiers who died in the First World War.
Raisina Hills,Rashtrapati Bhawan.
Photo of India Gate Rashtrapati Bhawan (Raisina Hills) 
The New Delhi Municipal Committee (NDMC) was set - up to look after all the civic amenities like water supply, electricity, buildings, roads, sewers, medical and public health of the capital.  It provided an underground sewer system in the whole area.  All big, open nallas were covered as they were the breeding grounds of mosquitoes.  In 1937, the Delhi Improvement Trust was established.  It undertook many schemes like town expansion, slum clearance and slum improvement scheme for the progress of Delhi.
Understandings Page 150 
Do You Know? The British made 'Civil Lines' in all major towns and cities as they wanted to keep themselves away from the native residences
After independence, the Government of India set - up Delhi Development  Authority in 1955, which was empowered to prepare a master plan and zonal plans for housing, commercial centers, parks, playgrounds, etc., to develop and manage  lands in Delhi .
Master Plan for Delhi provides a basic policy frame for guiding Delhi's development.
Police in Delhi 
An efficient administration required proper maintenance of law and order.In 1857, the British laid down the foundation of a systematic police system under Indian Police Act.  Lord Cornwallis organized the police into a regular force.  A Superintendent of Police looked after each district with the assistance of a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP).  Each district was divided into thanas under darogas.  Villages and towns were looked after by chowkidars and kotwals.  
In 1912,Delhi's first Chief Commissioner was appointed and handed over the duties and responsibilities of Inspector General of Police. In 1946, Delhi Police,was restructured with the appointment of Inspector General,Deputy Inspector General and Superintendents.
Do You Know ? the police, under the British were given low salaries but great  powers. It made them cruel and corrupt.
First railway from Bombay to Thane
Railways Under the British
Railways were introduced in India for the benefit of the British administration, politica control and trade.  But railways brought many changes in the lives of Indians.  People from different parts of India came in close contact.  This communication brought about an awareness against social evils, need of education and freedom from foreign exploitation.  Indian Railways made a beginning on April 6, 1853 when the very first train ran over a stretch of 21 miles from Bombay to Thane.  It served of 14 railway carriages and 400 guests.  First railway line in India Page  150
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Chapter 13 
Colonialism and Urban Change 
Day3.Period 3.Page151-152.
Topic The Impact of British Rule.
Page 151
The British introduced railways for the following aspects : . . . 
commercial advantage - Railways collected raw material from fields and mines and sent them to the ports to be transported to England to feed the British industries . 
Political aspect - Railways safeguarded the British possessions in different parts of India to enable quick movement of armed forces and administrative convenience . 
Defence aspect -- Most importantly , the railways helped the British Defence Forces in India to counter the military attacks of other imperialist countries , who were trying to expand their influence . 
Investment of Surplus Income - Railways opened new area where investments earned huge profits . The Kalka Mail from Howrah to Kalka was introduced to make the annual migration of British officials , their families , servants and clerks from the then imperial capital at Calcutta to the summer capital in Shimla . From Kalka , there is still a narrow gauge to Shimla that passes through 103 tunnels only 102 tunnels are operational now ) . There was a lot of opposition against the introduction of railways in India . It offended the people of higher castes as people from all castes had to sit together . Moreover , Indians were not allowed to travel in first class . It was reserved for Europeans . But in any case , railways provided many avenues of profit making for the British . 
Do You Know ? 
Indian Railways is the largest rail network in Asia and the world's second largest ( after USA It carries over 23 million passengers daily ( that's about the entire population of Australia ) Indian Railways is one of the world's largest employers , with a staff of over 1.4 million people.
British Impact On Indian Painting,Literature and Architecture.
The art , architecture , painting , literature , poetry , drama , novels and even Indian religion and philosophy were greatly influenced by the western contact.
Raja Ravi Verma.
Mâny English painters arrived here in search of princely patronage and to please the rich British society . Such paintings had themes of Indian royal courts , flora and fauna . Indian painters also changed their selection of themes and medium of painting . 

The eminent Indian painters like Raja Ravi Varma , Abanindranath Thakur , Jamini Roy , etc. , were greatly influenced by the Western style of painting .Photo of Raja Ravi Varma.
Understandings.Page 152.
Photos of these Galaxy of Musicians,Saraswathi playing Tambura,Lady with a Lamp 
Many huge architectural wonders were built in the port city of Madras.  Many churches were constructed English style with artistic carvings.  The Governor of Madras gave the city a colonial look with bunglows and banquet halls to suit the British liking for official evening functions.  In Bombay city also, churches, town halls, railway stations and many other structures were constructed that resembled famous buildings in England.  
Glaxy of Musicians.Sarswati.Lady with Lamp.Sakuntala
Photos of Town hall, Chennai Viceroy house, Shimla ,Victoria terminus, Mumbai 
The British influenced Indian literature also.The scholars at the Fort William College in Calcutta wrote the ancient texts, written grammars, compiled dictionaries and collected manuscripts in English. Not only the original literature, even the translations highlighted the greatness of the British. 
Photo of Fort William College, Calcutta Page  152

Town Hall,Chennai.Viceroy House,Shimla.Fort William College,Calcutta.


Victoria Terminus Bombay.

Home Assignment.
a.Attempt the inside Questions/Answers 
b.Understand by your own.
c.Learn them.
d.Keep eyes over figures.


Chapter 13
Colonialism and Urban Change 
Day4.Period 4.Page153.
Topic The Great Literary Figures.

Great literary figures

Page 153 The great literary figures like Rabindranath Tagore, Aurobindo Ghosh, Sarojini Naidu, Mulk and, R.K.Narayanan, etc, were influenced by the English pattern of writing.  
Do you know?  
From Palm Leaves to the printed word The credit for thinking of the need of political freedom and social progress by Indians goes to the missionaries through the introduction of printing and publishing.  Earlier, the ownership of the handwritten books was in the hands of a few.  They were written on palm leaves.  But printing press made it possible for a person of average means to own and read books.  
cantonment: a permanent military station in British India.  
civic facilities: the facilities provided by the government and by the urban and rural local bu princely patronage: the support or encouragement by princes and royalty.  This was exter form of grants or revenue exemption on land, high positions and pension. page   153)
Home Assignment.
a.Attempt the inside Questions/Answers 
b.Understand by your own.
c.Learn them.
d.Keep eyes over figures.
Attempt the inside Questions/Answers 
b.Understand by your own.
c.Learn them.d.Keep eyes over figures.


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