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VIII.Chapter15.India Marches Ahead

Chapter15 History.
India Marches Ahead 
The Indian Independence Act, 1947 was passed by the British Parliament.  It was designed by ciement Attlee, the Prime Minister of Britain.  The Indian political parties agreed on the transfer of power from the British Government to the independent Indian Government and to Partition India into two nations: India and Pakistan. The Indian Independence Act, 1947 was based on the Mountbatten Plan.
Indian Independence Act 1947  
Main Features
The British Rule over India would end with immediate effect.  
An independent dominion of India was made including the United Provinces under the British like Madras Presidency, Carnatic, East Punjab, West Bengal, Assam, etc.  
West Punjab, North - West Frontier Province, Sindh and East Bengal would go to Pakistan. 
The Princely States were given the freedom to decide which dominion to join.  
The dominion of India and Pakistan were granted Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru complete freedom and they became members of hoisting the National Flag at Red F British Commonwealth.
Do you know?  
With the skilful display of wisdom and diplomacy, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel succeeded in persuading most of the Princely States to join India, Sardar Patel appealed to the states that they would benefitted by joining India.  Most of the states thus, acceded to India by August 15, 1947 except the states of Junagadh, Jammu & Kashmir and Hyderabad, which joined later.  
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Do You Know?  at the time of partition of India,about six million people crossed the border in a two - way exodus.  Communal riots claimed thousands of lives on both sides
Lord Mountbatten was the last Viceroy of India.He became the first Governor General of Independent India.  
Chakravati Rajagopalachari was appointed the next Governor - General.He was the first and  the last Indian to become a Governor General.  
Five hundred and sixty Princely States joined India.  The states of Junagadh and Hyderabad joined India after military action.  
Some other colonial states, which were under foreign rule, were also liberated.  Pondicherry (from French in 1953-54), Goa (from Portuguese in 1961) and Sikkim (British protectorate) became part of free India in 1975.  
map of  India before 1947 and after 1947
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Indian Constitution
Even before India became independent, a Constituent Assembly was formed with indirectly elected members of the Provisional Legislative Assemblies.  It held its first session in 1946, It re-assembled on August 14, 1947 as the sovereign Constituent Assembly for the dominion of India.The Constitution was passed on November 26, 1949 and adopted on January 26, 1950, when India became a Republic.
The Constituent Assembly took almost three years (two years eleven months and Seventeen days) to complete the drafting of the Constitution for Independent India.
It elected Dr.Rajendra Prasad as the first President of India.  Jawaharlal Nehru became the Prime Minister and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Deputy Prime Minister of free India.
Do you know? India held its first General Elections in 1952The voter turnout exceeded 62%.
India on the Path of Progress. 
The Indian economy has made great strides since 1947. India has undergone great infrastructural upgradation.  Many people had predicted that India, because of its diversities in culture, religion, caste, language, custom and identity, would not be able to work as a united democratic country.  But such prediction proved to be wrong.  Inspite of having numerous internal and external problems, India has survived as a nation with a single unified identity.  Unfortunately, our progress has been hampered by terrorism and cross - border attacks.  
Our economic progress can be seen in expansion and diversification of production both in industry and agriculture.  The government has built the infrastructure like power, information technology, communication, transport, etc.  , which are the basic requirements of the industry Indian Government has also followed a policy of encouraging indigenous industries and give them a lot of assistance.  In the agriculture sector mechanization, irrigation, fertilizers an research have improved the scenario.  As a result, the agricultural production has shot up bot qualitatively and quantitatively.  The progress and development can be seen in the Green Revolution, the White Revolution, etc.
Do you know? Though Indian economy has progressed tremendously, yet compared to some other developed countries, we still need improvement in every sector, Japan is much smaller than India, but has developed at a very fast rate in technology.
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India adopted the path of planned development from the pattern that was followed by earlier USSR.  Five Year Plans were made to ensure systematic progress in all sectors.  The Planning Commission was set - up in 1950. The First Five Year Plan was presented for a period of 1951–56 by the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru in Parliament.  At present, we are in the 12 Five Year Plan.  In 2015, the Planning Commission was replaced by Niti Aayog. 
 Do you know?  
Niti Aayog or the National Institute for Transforming India was formed in 2015. It is a policy think - tank of Government of India.  It was established by Narendera Modi Government to replace the Planning Commission of India which followed the top - down model.  The stated aim of Niti Aayog's creation is to foster participation and participation by state governments in economic policy making process.  The emphasis is on bottom - up approach to make India move towards a cooporative federation.
Do You Know? 
in 1947 we were 400 million but now we are a country of over 1.3 billion people. 
Indian Democracy. 
The path that independent India had to follow was planned during the freedom struggle itself.It aimed at vesting the sovereign power in the hands of the people.Hence, India ,  opted for a democracy.  
It was necessary to have a system where every section of society would be represented.Every community, religion and language would enjoy equal status, equality of equality of status and opportunity without any discrimination.  Our democratic government has also protected the interest of the backward sections of the society.  
The Congress under Jawaharlal Nehru controlled the reins of the government after independence till 1964. But the year of 1967 proved to be a turning point when some state parties (regional parties) came into prominence.  This was a period of actual democratization of Indian politics.  After that Gandhi family dominated the Indian political scene till 1977. Inspite of all the changes and challenges, Indian democracy has not faltered from its onward march.  
Indian democracy has been functioning successfully, except for two Prime Minister years, when a state of emergency was imposed in 1975 by Mrs.  Indira Narendra Modi Gandhi, the then Prime Minister.  After 1977, some political parties succeeded in controlling the power for short spells.  But they could not sustain their governments.  In recent times, we have witnessed coalition governments and politics of fronts 'or' alliances!  Fronts
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are formed before the elections to contest collectively, whereas the coalitions are formed after the elections to form the government.  The supporting parties either join the government or support it from outside (without joining the government), depending on the conditions of the alliances / fronts.  
Under the circumstances, the multi-party system of India has become the axis of democracy that provides a hope to produce a government that is accountable to the citizens and responsive to their needs and expectations.  Therefore, like all other federal systems of the world, India, too, has two kinds of political parties - some at the national level and the others at the state / regional level.  Indian National Congress, Bhartiya Janta Party, Communist Party of India, etc.  , are examples of national political parties, whereas some of the state parties, also called the regional parties, are Bahujan Samaj Party, Shromani Akali Dal, Rashtriya Janta Dal, National Conference and many more.
Symbols of National and Regional Parties of India 
All the national as well as state parties are recognized by the Election Commission of India subject to fulfillment of the criteria laid down by the Election Commission.  
Do you know?  
Criteria laid down by the Election Commission of India for National and Regional Parties 
A party that secures at least six per cent of the total votes in an election to the legislative assembly of a state and wins at least two seats is recognized as a state party /  Regional Party.  
A party that secures at least six per cent of the total votes in Lok Sabha elections or assembly elections in four states and wins at least four seats in the Lok Sabha is recognized as a National Party 
Political parties at the national as well as regional levels are  the axis of democracy and play ar important role in strengthening democracy.  The Election Commission of India is an autonomous constitutional authority responsible for administrating the election process in India.  Free and fai.  elections are conducted by the Election Commission with the help of Electronic Voting Machines (EVM's).  As a country of 1.3 billion people, more than 800 million of whom are eligible to vote, India takes great pride in being the world's largest democracy,Page 177.
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India's Foreign relations and Foreign Policy.
Foreign policy of a country involving its role and involvement in world affairs.Jawaharlal Nehru was the chief architect of our foreign policy.  
The basic features of India's foreign policy are 
Belief in United Nations and Non Aligned Movements 
Promotion of World Peace 
Anti - Racialism 
Anti Colonialism and Anti Imperialism 
Non Alignment 
Friendly Co Relations with Neighbors 
Regional Cooperation 
Do You Know?  
The basis of our foreign policy are the following five principles of Panchsheel 
1. Mutual respect for each others' territorial integrity and sovereignty.  
2. Mutual non-aggression.  
3. Mutual non-interference in each others' internal matters.  
4. Equality and mutual benefits.  5. Peaceful Co - existence.
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Indian society.
India had to face many challenges, during the post independence nation building period, because of diverse religious, social and economic conditions that were influenced by castes, classes communities and gender discrimination.  Poverty and illiteracy were rampant.  All these hurdles were stumbling block in the progress of the country. 
Many steps have been taken to achieve social progress in India through legislations like provision for reservation in legislatures, government jobs and educational institutions for schedule castes, the schedule tribes and other backward classes.
Challanges of Democracy. 
The Indian democracy has achieved multi - faceted socio -  Economic progress but at the time independence, India faced herculean tasks.  
The extreme poverty, millions of refugees and empty coffers created a delicate situation fo the newly formed independent country.The Indian state was short of everything from food medicine, from industry and infrastructure to skilled manpower and from housing to educational facilities.Caste system and social evils were hampering the progress of our country.  There was a wide gulf between the Hindus and Muslims.A massive nationwide program, thus, was launched 
India has made remarkable progress in each and every field.  May it be industry, economy transport, communication, science or any other sphere.  India's focus is on creating a unified a developed nation.  We have solved many issues but poverty, illiteracy and poor health continue the biggest threats to the peace and progress of the country.  
Our country has undergone  major political, cultural and economic changes since independence.  But there are many avenues that still need improvement. Photo Modern industry, Hi - tech satellite , Nashri tunnel,
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What is India Vision 2020?  
Every country needs a vision which will stir the imagination and motivate all segments of society to greater effort.  It is the dream of all Indians that India should emerge as a vibrant and dynamic country and make great progress in all fields.  
Better quality of education is required at all levels from basic literacy to hi - tech science and technology, raising of agricultural productivity and industrial quality, spurring growth of IT and biotechnolgy, improving health and nutrition tackling issues related to population growth, energy and water conservation,peace and security are required.  
In the words of our late - President Dr.  Abdul Kalam, the day is not far when enlightened and ignited minds will transform India into a competitive beautiful nation. 
Photo India Vision 2020 
British Commonwealth: it is an association, whose membership is restricted to those countries which were once under the  British rule, but now have become independent.  coalition governments if a single party does not have majority to form a government, then two or more parties join to form the government. 
dominion: the power or right of governing and controlling
Princely States: these Indian states had native rulers, who had accepted British paramountcy Page  180


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