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VIII.Civics.Chapter17.Fundamental Rights.

Fundamental Rights,Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles of State Policy.
Abjure – to give renunciate. 
Human trafficking – the act of buying and selling human beings.
Pluralist - a society in which different groups and political parties are allowed to exists.
Propagate – to spread and promote an idea,theory,religion,e.t.c,widely.
Writ – it is a legal document that orders a person to do a particular thing .
Secular - not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order.

Something to Know
A.Tick the correct option.
1.The Fundamental Right that came into existence in 2002 is the
Ans.Cultural and Educational Rights.
2. Writes can be issued by
Ans. A high court.
3.Which of the following statements regarding the fundamental rights is incorrect ?
Ans.They are justiciable.
4.Identify the directive principle based on the Gandhian philosophy.
Ans.To organize village panchayats.
5.Which one of the following promotes secularism ?
Ans.Communal Harmony.

B.Fill in the blanks 
1.The constitution of gurantees the fundamental rights to all the citizens of India.
2.Right to work has implemented for the rural unemployed under MNREGA.
3.The practice of untouchiblity has been abolished to pave the way for social equality.
4.Sikhs are allowed to keep a kirpan with them as a religious symbol.
5.Freedom of religion does not mean that there is no check at all on your religious activities.

C.Match the following .
1.Secularism  Promotes Harmony.
2.Abolition of Untouchability  Right to equality.
3.Fundamental duties  42nd Amendment.
4.Quo Warranto The writ.
5.Directive Principles of state policies Non- justiciable.

Q.D.Answer the following Questions in brief.
Q.1.Explain the significance of the Fundamental Rights in our day to day life.
Ans.The fundamental rights are important for the people because they provide human dignity and development of personality to the citizens of a country with. It sustains peace and harmony among the citizens of a nation.
Q.2.Explain the right to freedom of religion .
Ans.Everyone has the Right to freedom of throughout,conscience and religion gives us sheer freeness in this regard.This right includes freedom of change to religion or belief and freedom.
Q.3.The fundamental rights are justiciable and are protected by the court .In the light of the above lines explain the right to constitutional remedies.
Ans.The constitution gurantees the right to constitutional remedies,if any of the fundamental right is violated.
Q.4.Mention any three directive principles of state policy that have been implemented.
Ans. The Directive Principels of State are indeed the guidelines or instructions given to a state.These are as follows.
a.Economic Principles ensure the people economic opportunity.
b.Political Principles .
c.Peace related principles lays the foundation of international peace.
d.Social Principles,work over public health,better living and moral up gradation.
e.Gandhian Principles promote the cottage industry and village panchayat.
Q.5.The government sometimes makes an exception to help a particular religious community ? Justify your answer with examples from recent times .
Ans.The government sometimes makes an exception to help a certain religious communities because the religion may be in a minority and members of that religion may be particularly deprived and poor. 
For example the socio economic conditions of of Muslims in many parts in India is backward.
Q.E.Answer the following questions.
*Q.1.Explain the five provisions given under the‘Right to Equality’.
Ans.Right to equality includes these five provisions with itself are as follows. 
a.Equality before the law,and it stands with all. 
b.Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion,race,caste,gender or place of birth.
c.Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment.
d.Abolition of untouchability.
e.Abolition of titles.
*Q.2.Our Fundamental Rights are not absolute or unlimited .Support the statement by giving four suitable examples.
Ans.Under some circumstances it seems that our fundamental rights are not absolute.
a. Ristricted Movement : Citizens have the right to move but to prevent spread the disease the free movement can be restricted.Recently in the Corona phase our free movement remained disrupted.
b.The constitution gives the right to choose,and practice any profession however it is not allowed that anyone will be engaged in gambling,smuggling,and hoarding (जमाख़ोरी) illegal work.. 
c.The constitution gives freedom of speech but there is censorship applied over us.As we break the law we may be punished.
d.The constitution gives the people freedom to express the matter that they want.But that speech,thought should not be communal,seditious.And it should not be disturbing for the public peace and harmony.
e.Nobody can claim to be a doctor or lawyer unless and until she or he has the required qualifications.
Q.3.Classify Directive Principles of State policy into four main categories.Explain each of them briefly.
Ans.a.The economic and social principles .
b.The Gandhian principles promote the idea of self sufficiency under cottage industry. 
c.Principles and policies relates to international peace and security.
d.Miscellaneous as Economic Principles ensure the people economic opportunity.
b.Political Principles applies law of equality.
c.Peace related principles lays the foundation of international peace.
d.Social Principles,work over public health,better living and moral up gradation.
Q.4.Highlight the main provisions of the Right to Freedom.
Ans : Right to Freedom also includes these following provisions.
a. It favours the protection against arbitrary arrest of anyone,and 
b. Right to protection of personal life and personal liberality is also given.
c. It always stretches with the Right to Education to everyone.
Q.5.Inspite of freedom of religion,why does communal tension persist in certain parts of the country some times? Suggest ways and means to establish communal harmony.
Ans. In spite of freedom of religion,communal tension persists in certain parts due to these reasons the communal tension persists amongst us.
a. Difference in our opinions always create tension.
b. Intolerance  makes the clashing amongst us.
c. Prejudices and our selves are the hindrances between us.
By accepting these activities 
a.avoiding these intolerant activities we can remove the communal tension and create a friendly environment in society.
b.We should respect the others religious feelings of different people.
c.We should abjure our selves and narrow mindedness.


  1. Very interesting answers helpful for all the students


  3. Sir I am new student, please send study material for chapter - 18' 19' 20 sir I am Alok Bharti, please sir


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