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VIII.Chapter6.Geography.Manufacturing Industries.

Chapter 6
Manufacturing Industries 
The literal meaning of manufacturing is 'to make a product by hand', but it has attained a wider meaning in the present scenario.  The conversion of raw material into more useful and valuable commodity with the help of machines or tools is called manufacturing.  The common example is processing of iron ore to get steel, cotton to get cloth, wood to get pulp and then, paper.  It is important to understand that more the raw Do You Know?  material is changed in its form through processing, greater is its value and utility.  For instance, the industrial development is recognized as value and utility of iron ore increases multifold a yardstick for measuring the economic when it is converted to steel.  Its value further development of a country.  enhances when it is transformed into machines and tools.  IMPORTANCE OF MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES as Industry not only converts raw material into a much useful finished product, but in this process, it performs multiple tasks.  ) In short, the manufacturing process transforms natural resources into useful and saleable products.  It also generates scope for employment and increases national earnings through local and foreign trade.  An industrial labourer earns more wages than an agricultural labourer.  Thus, industries play an important role in making a country economically prosperous.  Manufacturing industry CLASSIFICATION OF INDUSTRIES Manufacturing industries are classified into various groups on the basis of their size, nature of finished products, sources of raw material and their ownership, 
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02 Study the chart given below showing the classification of industries.  Classification of Industries Size Ownership  Cottage or Household  Small Scale  Large Scale Nature of Finished Products  Basic  Consumer Source of Raw Material  Agro - based  Forest based  Animal based  Mineral based Public Sector  Private Sector  Joint Sector  Co  - operative Sector Let us now discuss them in detail.  On the Basis of Size the size of an industry is determined by the capital input, number of labourers employed and the value of production.  Accordingly, these industries are sub - grouped into three categories: Cottage or Household Industry: These are the smallest manufacturing units.  In cottage industry, a craftsman manufactures the goods by using locally available raw material.  She / He carries out the work at home where the family members join in making the goods, for example, potter, blacksmith, weaver and craftsman, etc.  Small Scale Industry: Small scale industry is an extended form of a cottage industry.  The manufacturing is done by machines in addition to manpower.  It requires small machines driven by power, small amount of capital investment and less human labor.  The basic raw material is obtained from outside, if not available in local market;  and its finished products are sold in open market through traders.  For example, paper goods, toys, furniture, edible oils, leather products, etc.  Large Scale Industry: Large scale industry uses heavy machinery, which is driven by power.  It requires a wide variety of raw materials, large scale investment and work force to manufacture the final products.  The examples of such industries are iron and steel, textile, heavy machines and tools, ship - building, petrochemicals, etc.  Cottage industry Small scale industry Large scale industry 
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On the Basis of Finished Products the industries are grouped into two sub-categories.  They are: Basic Industry: Finished products of this industry are used as raw material for other industries.  For instance, iron and steel industry produces steel which is used in the manufacturing of machine tools.  Thus, iron and steel industry becomes a basic industry consumer goods industry: this industry produces 4 CO goods for direct use by consumers.  Edible oils, tea, soap, bread, biscuits, radio, television, etc.  , are some consumer goods industry of the examples of consumer goods industry.  On the Basis of Source of Raw Material Forest based industry (paper mill) The industries are grouped into four categories: Agro - based Industry: The industries using agricultural products as their raw material are known as agro - based industries like tea, sugar, cotton  textile, vegetable oil, etc.  Forest based Industry: The industries which use forest products as their raw material are called forest based industry.  Paper, furniture, packing material, medicines from medicinal plants, etc.  , are the common examples of forest based industry.  Animal based industry: These industries use animal products as raw material like milk, egg, leather, fish, etc.  Mineral based industry: These industries are dependent on minerals as their raw material, for example, iron and steel, copper smelting, petrochemical, cement, etc.  Animal based industry on the Basis of Ownership The industries are divided into four groups: Public Sector: When the ownership and management of an industry is in the hands of the government or its department, it is called public sector industry.  The government establishes and 
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runs these industrial units.  Bhilai Steel Plant, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd are some of the examples of the public sector industry private sector: this type of industry is owned and managed by an individual, family or a corporate body.  Individuals invest their own capital, or capital is raised through loans or public issues to establish these industries and they manage them as private enterprise, for example, TISCO (Tata Iron and Steel Co.) at Jamshedpur, Reliance at Ahmedabad and Vadodara, Birla Mills  at Delhi, etc.  Joint Sector: It is owned and managed jointly by the government and private sector.  Some examples of such industries are Indian Oil Ruchi Biofuels LLP, Indian Oil PETRONAS Private Ltd .. Avi - Oil India Ltd, etc.  Co-operative sector: It is owned and managed by a group of people belonging to a co-operative society.  Amul of Gujarat and Lijjat Papad of Maharashtra (Women Co - operative) are some of the examples.  Aaja munch le!  20995 Amul Show me your jalwa products from Co - operative sector industry These days several Multi - National Companies (MNCs) like Pepsi, Coca Cola, etc.  , are setting their operations in India.  They bring large foreign investment, better technology and produce standard quality products at lower cost and thus, generate large competition in the local (domestic) market and can become a threat to the country's own industry.  FACTORS INFLUENCING LOCATION OF AN INDUSTRY Each industry has different needs related to its raw materials, power, transportation, capital, manufacturing process, skilled personnel including distance to the trading center.  Hence, the location of an industry depends on those factors which have a bearing on its efficient running and profitability both.  Usually, an industry is located at a place where it gets easy resources, skilled manpower and lower investment cost and, therefore, generates maximum profitability.  Hence, a lot of planning is involved before considering an industrial unit in a specific locality.  The factors affecting location of an industry are classified into two groups - geographical factors and non geographical factors.  1. Geographical factors: These include land, climate, availability of raw materials, means of power in order to reach the market and also the sources where raw materials are available.  Page 67
 2. Non - geographical factors: These include government policies, capital, management, banking labor and developed means of transport and insurance, and above all, personal preferences of the owners of the industry government policy labor market industrial location climate raw material infrastructure capital  Power.  Factors influencing location of an industry industries tend to be located at places where favourable factors over - weigh the unfavourable factors.  We have learnt that an industry needs sound infrastructure, well developed means of transport, strong financial banking, wider market and favored government policies, apart from other basic geographical factors.  It has also been observed that in order to take advantage of these favorable factors, other industries also get attracted to that region making it a cluster of industrial units which lays down the formation of an industrial region.  The examples of such prominent industrial regions in the world are: 1. Eastern region of North America, 2. Silicon Valley of North America, 3. Western and Central Europe, 4. Eastern Asia, 5. Southern and South - Eastern Asia, 6  Gulf region of Western Asia,   7. Western and Southern Africa, and 8. Eastern region of South America.
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In India, the industries are unevenly distributed depending upon the range and availability of natural resources as well as location of trading centers.  Industrial regions in India are grouped as: () Mumbai - Pune region, (ii) Hugli region, (III) Bengaluru - Tamil Nadu region (iv) Gujarat (Ahmedabad Vadodara - Surat) region, () Chotanagpur region, (vi) Gurgaon  - Delhi - Meerut region (vii) Vishakhapatnam Guntur region, (viii) Kollam - Thiruvananthapuram region.  SOME MAJOR INDUSTRIES OF THE WORLD India: Major Industrial Areas 1. Iron and Steel Industry Iron and steel industry is the backbone of modern civilisation.  It provides industrial base for the manufacture of many other industrial products, and thus, is known as the basic industry.  Iron ore occurs in abundance in many parts of the world.  It is estimated that 65% machines and utensils are made of steel.  The iron and steel industry is widely distributed in the world.  In the USA, Alabama state, the Atlantic coast and the Great Lakes region are the main producers.  In Europe, it is well distributed in France, Germany, Italy (Western Europe), UK and the Ural mountain region in Russia.  China, India and Japan are other major producers of iron and steel in Asia.  Iron and steel industry The art of manufacturing iron and steel is believed to be known to India over a thousand years before Chirst.  The rust free iron pillar at Qutab Minar in Delhi is a standing proof of the quality of the iron produced in this country.  The first modern iron and steel industry was established in 1907, when Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO) was set up at Sakchi (Jamshedur), now in Jharkhand state.  At present, India has 10 major integrated steel plants and 180 minor steel plants spread all over the country.  Besides TISCO at Jamshedpur, the other important steel manufacturing centers are Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO) at Burnpur in West Bengal.  Three steel plants in the public sector are at Bhilai in Chhattisgarh, Rourkela in Odisha and Durgapur in West Bengal.  These are under the management of Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), an undertaking of the Government of India.  Numerous other major and minor steel plants are spread all over peninsular India, which is known for its large reserves of iron ore, coal and limestone.  They are the essential raw materials used in the manufacturing of iron and steel industries.  Presence of 
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steel industries favourable factors like availability of raw material, thermal power, cheap labor and proximity to the big markets make peninsular India an ideal region for the concentration of large number of iron and Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO), Jamshedpur: TISCO was established  at Jamshedpur nearly over a hundred years ago by Sir Jamshedji Tata.  It had a fascinating beginning as it led to founding of a new city by the late Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata at Sakchi which was named later as Jamshedpur.  It is located in Singhbhum district of Jharkhand state.  This city enjoys advantageous location as it is surrounded by beautiful Dalma hills of the Chotanagpur plateau and Subernarekha and Kharkai rivers.  These rivers provide abundant water supply to the plant for its various activities.  The areas surrounding Jamshedpur are rich in minerals, like coking coal from Jharia and iron ore, limestone and manganese from Jamadoba, Noamundi and West Bokaro.  It has its own thermal electricity plant and the region is Sir Jamshedji Tata served by good road - rail network and is within easy reach of Kolkata port.  Jamshedpur now serves as a major industrial city with a large range of industries located here like truck manufacturing, tin plates, iron sheets, locomotives, rails, wheels and sleepers for railways, besides manufacturing iron and steel on a large scale.  It employs a large number of people and thus, generates wealth through manufacturing activities in the region.  Tata Iron and Steel Plant, Jamshedpur 
Do You Know?  World's major iron - ore producing countries are - China, Australia, Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa, USA, Canada and Sweden.  2. Cotton Textile Industry The word, 'textile', is derived from a Latin word texere meaning 'to weave'.  It is used broadly for cotton fiber, yarn, jute and synthetic fibers.  The textile manufacturing is one of the oldest, diverse and most widespread industries in the world.  Despite the widespread mechanization of textile and 
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in many parts of the world.  
The modern mechanized textile industry was first developed in Britain (UK).  Later, it was C spread to China, Europe, India, Korea, Thailand, United States and the rest of the world.  The textile industries in the world are usually located where power and labor supplies are in abundance.  At global level, Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Korea, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and many countries of Europe are important producers of textile products and export them to different textile industry countries of the world.  India has an ancient tradition of producing cotton textiles.  The hand woven cloth was reported to be manufactured during the period of Indus Valley Civilization in India.  Today, the cotton textile is the largest industry in India.  It gives employment to over 35 million persons, which means 20% of industrial labor is absorbed in this industry.  Now, let us compare the cotton industry of Japan and India.  Comparative Study of Osaka (Japan) and Ahmedabad (India): Centers of Textile Industry Osaka (Japan) Ahmedabad (India) Source of water supply River Yodo River Sabarmati Source of raw material (cotton) Imports cotton from China, Gujarat Egypt and USA In  Early years, most of the cotton textile mills were located in Gujarat and Maharashtra Availability of cotton, humid climate, proximity to market and developed means of transpor have contributed towards spread of this industry to over 80 towns and cities cities of India.  Som important centers in India are Ahmedabad, Surat and Vadodrara in Gujarat;  Gwalior, Indore an Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh;  Mumbai, Pune and Sholapur in Maharashtra;  Chennai, Coimbator and Madurai in Tamil Nadu;  Agra, Kanpur, Modinagar and Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh, an Haora and Murshidabad in West Bengal.  Cotton Textile Industry, Ahmedabad: Gujarat is one of the leading industrial states in India, an textile industry, in particular, has contributed in a big way to the industrialization of this state.  Th state is well - known for its power - looms spinning, weaving and silk dyeing mills spread all over th state.  
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ele tw 
Ahmedabad used to be called the Manchester India because of the concentration of a large number of cotton textile mills.  It is the second rgest textile industrial center after Mumbai.  It is ing cated on the bank of River Sabarmati in Gujarat.  Be he city is located in the heart of the cotton ce owing belt and has warm and humid climate le which is favourable for spinning and weaving.  has large domestic market and both skilled nd unskilled labor is readily available.  The roximity to the nearby Kandla sea port favors cotton textile industry arge concentration of textile mills in and around me town.  Today, the city has over 60 mills, noted for its superior quality cotton textile.  Howeve.  Many units are falling sick because of old machinery, low capital available for replacement of the machines and lack of fiscal incentives from the state government.  
3. Information Technology There has been a fast development in ommunication system through telephone, elegraph, radio, fax and computers which onnect people all over the world and facilitated communication.  This has made exchange of mformation very fast and revolutionized the Entire world.  We can also store information in computers and related electronic equipments and etrieve it in no time.  This entire system comes ander Information Technology (IT).  It also includes-services that the IT industry can provide to people Information Technology industry using sophisticated equipments / devices / technologies.  At present, BPO (Business Process Outsource) has become popular to reduce overhead costs on production and provide faster services in any part of the world.  The history of IT services began with the development of a digital electronic computer in the USA in 1946 for defense purposes.  This led to the development of semi-conductor chips, and their application later in tele-communication devices and computers led to a boom in IT sector.  An emi - conductor is a solid - state device which regulates the flow of electricity, boosts and amplifies he electrical signals received.  Thus, computers are made of thousands of such semi-conductor chips which process, store and dessiminate information 
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in India, the IT industry was established around 1984 through the development of digital micro electronic devices.  This improved the tele-communication system in the country and in the last two decades it has grown tremendously.  Now, India exports electronic goods worth millions.  This industry is growing so fast that it is providing employment to 10 million people.  Several cities like Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, etc.  , have become important centers of this industry.  With the rapid development of IT industry, India has emerged as one of the leading players of IT sector in the world.  Now, let us compare the IT Industries of USA and India.  Comparative Study of Silicon Valley (USA) and Bengaluru (India) the major hubs of Information Technology Industry Silicon Valley (USA) Bengaluru (India) Location California Karnataka Type of Labor Worldwide Indigenous Technical Staff Woldwide Indigenous Information Technology, Bengaluru: Bengaluru is the capital  city ​​of Karnataka.  After independence, the city has emerged as a major center of engineering education and consequently, has developed into a manufacturing center of wide range of products like machine tools, scientific equipments, aircrafts, electric motors, textile machinery and many other important products.  The emergence of software production in India first started in and around Bengaluru.  By now, many Multi - National Corporations, especially computer hardware and software giants, have established their units in Bengaluru.  This city has recently emerged as one of the leading centers of information technology in the world.  Today, the city of Bengaluru is called The Silicon Valley of India.  This represents its unique position in this hi - tech global industry.  A large pool of well - qualified and relatively low cost scientific and technical personnel, proficient in English, represent the ideal work force at Bengaluru which has made it competitive in global economy.  An ambient climate throughout the year, good infrastructure and communication network.  ) besides a host of social and cultural amenities make Bengaluru an attractive location for the employment of multi - national Bengaluru: India's Silicon Valley Software professionals.  
The software technology park in Bengaluru was started with a handful of companies in the ye 1991;  It grew to 183 registered units by 1998, and rose to over 200 units in the city by the year 2001 This cluster of units consists of small, medium and large companies including foreign firms, sur as Motorola, Indian owned ones, such as Infosys and  Wipro and Joint ventures, such as PSI das system.  Thus, in the IT arena, Bengaluru has seen rapid growth and has earned internation recognition Software Technology Park, Bengaluru Keywords.  fiscal incentive: tax measures offered to encourage industrial development.  infrastructure: the basic systems and services that a society or an organization uses in order to work effectively.  management the process of dealing with or controlling things or people in order to achieve defined objectives.  multi - national company: an enterprise operating in several countries but managed from one (home) country technology: the application of scientific knowledge in the design and production of machinery and devices, especially in industry.  Page 78.


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