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IX.Chapter2.The Russian Revolution.

IX.History.Chapter 2
Russian Revolution.
Objectives/Descreptive/Activitie/ Questions/Answers
Glossary/Hard words
Capitalism : When the means of production and distribution are owned by individual ones is called capitalism.
Socialism : When the means of production and distribution are owned by state not by individual ones is called socialism
Suffragette Movement : A movement to give women the right to vote.
Jadidists : Muslim reformers within the Russian empire.
Real wage : Reflects the quantities of goods which the wages will actually buy.
Autonomy : The right to govern themselves.
Nomadism : Life style of those who do not live in one place but move from one area to other to earn their living.
Deported : Forcibly removed from one’s own country.
Exiled : Forced to live away from one’s own country.
Kulaks : Rich farmers of Russia against of collectivisation.
Soviet : Council of representatives.
Stalinism : A Russian communist leader Stalin who introduced collectivisation programme in agriculture called collectivisation.
Real wages : Reflects the quantities of goods which the wages will actually buy.

NCERT Textbook Questions/Answers.
Q.1.What were the social, economic and political conditions in Russia before 1905?  
Ans.These were the causes of the Russian Revolution.
A.Political Conditions :
Autocratic rule of Tsar. Russia at the time of the revolution was under the autocratic rule of Tsar Nicholas II who believed in the Divine Right of Kings.A system of governance
unsuited to needs of modern times.
Vast and feudal system The Russian empire was vast and feudal.
Inefficient bureaucracy The bureaucracy was top heavy,inefficient and recruited from the privileged classes rather than on the basis of merit and ability.The Russian Tsars had built 
Conquest of various nationalities vast empire by conquest of various nationalities.They were subjected to Russian culture and languages.The Tsar showed little concern to their sensitivity.
B.Social Conditions : Russia before 1905 was still living in the old world,under the autocratic rule of the classTsar.  
Social Division Russian society was divided into three classes 
a.the clergy,
b.nobility and 
c.the working Serfdom was abolished in 1861,
but the peasants continued to live in misery 
(i) For small holdings peasants had to pay heavy redemption dues.  
(ii) Vast estates were owned by the Russian nobility and the church.  
(iii) Land hunger of the peasants was a major social factor in Russian Society.
Promotion of Socialist Ideas.The last quarter of the 19th century saw the growth and spread of socialist ideas and groups in the countryside and among the workers.
They played a vital role in the spread of awareness and struggled for workers and peasants rights.The social scene in Russia before 1905 was riddled पहेलिआं with inherent tensions.There was lack of interplay between state and society. 
Emergence of Labour Class with their demands Industrialization brought a new class the industrial worker, who lived in conditions of misery, workers had no political rights and no means of achieving even minor reforms.Work hours were long, wages were poor and unemployment common.  
Emergence of the Middle Class The middle class and intellectuals were also opposed and united against the exploitative system based on privileges.   
C.Economic Conditions : 
Bankruptcy.The state exchequer was bankrupt,due to the spendthrift ways of the Tsar, expensive wars, burden of the bureaucracy and carrying a large army.
Exempted Privileged Class The privileged classes, clergy and nobility who could afford were exempted from taxes while the poor peasantry and working class were burdened with taxes.
Less Industries Industry in Russia developed largely due to foreign investment.Foreign investors were only interested in quick profits at the expense of workers.
Russia's defeat in the 1905 Russo - Japanese war brought all the summary discontentment of the people to the fore  
Q.2.In what ways was the working population in Russia different from other 
Ans.Working population of Russia was vastly different from working population of other European countries: 
(a) Agriculturists. About 85% of the Russians even in the early 20th century were agriculturists.This proportion was much higher than other European countries e.g in France and in Germany the proportion was between 40% and 50%.  
(b) Late Industrialisation Unlike Europe, in Russia, industrialization started late, in the last quarter of the 19th century.  Industry were found in small pockets.  Craftsmen existed alongside large factories.  
(c) Workers Divided Workers were a divided social group. Divisions were based on skills. Divisions led to workers being denied even basic rights of 8 - hour day and minimum wages.
 Workers continued to maintain strong links with the villages they came from. Women made  31% of factory labor. 
(e) No Respect for the Nobels Like workers, peasants too were divided. These divisions were accentuated due to religious sentiments.The rich peasants were called Kulaks.Unlike European peasants, Russian peasants had no respect for nobles. Many were driven to grab  land of nobles. They lived a life of subsistence were rebellious violent, often refused to pay rent and even murdered their landlord. 
(f) Socialist Society Unlike peasants in Europe they were natural socialists.They pooled their land periodically and their commune divided it according to the  needs of the individual families. 
Q.3.Why did the Tsarist autocracy collapse in 1917? 
Ans. The Tsar's autocracy collapsed on 1917 due to the interplay of many factors social  , economic and political.
The autocratic rule of the Tsar ,decadence पतन  of royality,demonstrating effects of defeats in wars,governments indifference to loss of human lives,condition of soldiers,war's effect on peasants and industry ultimately led to discredit of the government and brought about the end of Tsarist autocracy. 
a.Indiffernt Tsar The Tsar was totally ignorant,indifferent to their conditions and needs. 
The only people who supported the Tsar were the nobility and upper layers of the clergy and bureaucracy.The rest of the population was hostile to the Tsar.   
b.Inefficient Autocratic Rule The Russian state under Tsar Nicholas II was completely unsuited to the needs of modern times.The Tsar still believed in the autocratic absolute rights of the king.  
c.Corroupt Bureaucracy The bureaucracy that the Tsar recruited was top heavy, inefficient and unflexible.Members were recruited on the basis of rights and patronage, not on merit.  
The hopes and efforts at gradual changes and democratic constitutional government after the revolution of 1905 ended in disappointments and failure. 
d.Economic bankruptcy Russia's participation in World WarI exposed the economic bankruptcy of the government and increased liabilities on the already impoverished population.
Unimployment,hunger and less development of industries were the common feature of Russian society. 
e.Miserable condition of the Common People The peasants and workers who formed large sections of the population were miserable, deprived and frustrated.
f.Socialist Ideas The liberal ideas of the west and growth of socialist ideology led to the formation of many socialist groups.These groups infused the workers and peasants with a Revolutionary spirit. 
g.Imposing Russian Culture on diverse nationalities The Tsar had built a vast empire and imposed Russian language and culture on diverse nationalities. 
Q.4. Make two lists: one with the main events and the effects of the February Revolution and the other with the main events and effects of the October Revolution Write a paragraph on who was involved in each, who were the leaders and what was  the impact of each on Soviet history.  
Ans.February Revolution : 
Causes The February Revolution 1917, was set off by a set of incidents.  
The country including capital city of Petrograd was facing prospects of starvation.
Added to this were long bread queues and severe winter.  
Spate झोंक  of strikes took the form of general strike.  
Women workers played a leading part in these strikes.  
Strikers demanded bread, better wages, shorter hours of work and democracy.Many regiments of the army joined the striking workers.  
Freed political prisoners arrested the Tsar's ministers and generals.  
Revolution By evening Petrograd had passed into the hands of insurgent workers and generals.The Tsar was forced to abdicate in favor of a Provisional Government of Soviet and Duma leaders.The February Revolution marked the end of monarchy in Russia.  
Provisional government Power passed into the hands of the provisional government - the Mensheviks under Alexander Kerensky.  
Failure But the revolution failed to fulfill the demands of the revolutionaries which were: 
(i) Peace (ii) Land to the tiller (iii) Equal status to non - Russian nationalities (iv) and Nationalisation of banks and industry.  
In the February Revolution, the Mensheviks led by Alexander Kerensky were supported by the Bolsheviks, politicians, factory workers and the army.
Result The February Revolution marked the end of monarchy in Russia.  
October Revolution : 
Causes Lenin returned from exile and organized a socialist seizure of power by Military Revolutionary Committee under Leon Troskii.It was timed with the all Russian Congress of Soviet of Workers and Soldiers on Oct.  23, 1917. The date of the event was kept a secret.
Sensing trouble, the Provisional Government under Kerensky seized two Bolshevik buildings.In a swift response the Military Revolutionary Committee within few hours seized every strategie point in Petrograd 
The Navy played a significant role in the assault of the Winter Palace 
Escape of Kerenskey The Provisional Government at Winter Palace was put under arrest.Kerensky however escaped.Uprisings and heavy fighting followed.
Control of Bolsheviks By December the Bolsheviks controlled the Moscow Petrograd area.  
Lenin's success was received with a standing ovation.Bolsheviks under Lenin.  
a.The End of the War The immediate effect of the October Revolution was power passed into the hands of the By adoption of Decree of Peace,Government withdrew from World War I and signed the treaty of Brest - Litovsk with Germany.Russia lost many of her territories.
b.The Decree of Land abolished private property in land and declared land state property.  
Russia unilaterally renounced all unequal treaties which the Tsar's government had imposed on countries such as China, Iran and Afghanistan.  
c.Formation of Socialist Country The right of all people to equality and self determination was proclaimed.Russia became the first socialist state of the world.  
The October Revolution led by Lenin was supported by Bolsheviks, Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers, Military Revolutionary Committee and the Navy.The October Revolution led to the establishment of the first Communist Regime under the Bolsheviks.
Q.5.What were the main changes brought about by the Bolsheviks immediately after the October Revolution?  
Ans.The main changes brought about by the Bolsheviks immediately after the October Revolution were: 
(i) April Thesis To realize the old socialist ideal, private property as a means of production was abolished.Industry and banks were nationalized.  
(ii) Lands of clergy and nobility were conficated and land was declared state property.  
(iii) Use of old titles of aristocracy was banned.It marked the end of the system of rights, thus creating a classless society.  
(iv) All policies were directed to achieve the socialist idea,"from each according to his capacity, to each according to his work." Work was now an essential requirement for everyone as there was no unearned income to live on.  
(v) By adoption of Decree of Peace, Russia withdrew from World War I. 
(vi) The right of all peoples to equality and self determination was proclaimed.Russia unilaterally renounced all the unequal treaties which the Tsar's government had imposed on countries such as China, Iran and Afghanistan.The right of all peoples to equality and self determination was proclaimed.  
(vii)The Bolshevik Party was renamed the Russian Communist Party.  Russia became a one - party state. All Russian Congress of Soviets became the Parliament of the country.  
Q. 6. Write a few lines to show what you know about : 
a. The Duma The Duma was the elected Consultative Parliament set up after the Revolution of 1905. Its members were charged with the responsibility of making laws.
But friction between its members allowed the power to slip back into the Tsar's hand.
Tsar Nicholas II dissolved the first Duma within 75 days.Although three more Dumas were elected before 1914 they wielded little power.
Tsar Nicholas II changed voting laws and packed the Duma with conservative politicians.  
Even during World War I the Duma was not consulted.  Finally, Duma was suspended on February 25, 1917. Many members of the Duma became a part of the Provisional Government.
b. Kulaks.  Well - to - do peasants of Russia were called Kulaks.  
In 1927-28 Stalin took the decision to develop modern farms and run them along industrial lines.  For this purpose it was necessary to eliminate Kulaks.  
Many Kulaks were raided.  
Under the collectivisation program, 
land of Kulaks was taken away and converted into Stalin's collectivisation program. 
Resistance from Kulaks was met severely, many were deported and exiled.  
c.Women Workers between 1900 and 1930. Women workers in Russia made up 31% of the factory labor force by 1914. They formed the unprivileged class, had no political status or political rights.They were discriminated against - were paid less than men, between half and three fourths of a man's wage.  
Women, however, were in the forefront in agitations and strikes for better and equal wages, improvement in conditions of work, 8-hour day, reinstatements and voting rights.  
They were a source of inspiration for their male co-workers.  
On February 23, 1917, women led the way to strikes.As recognition of their active and significant role, February 23 is celebrated as International Women's Day.  
d.The Liberals.One of the groups which looked to change society were the liberals.  They were opposed to unrestricted absolute power of the monarch.They favored religious toleration and wanted to safeguard individual rights through an elected parliamentary system of government and an independent judiciary.  
They however, like democrats, did not believe in universal adult franchise.  
They wanted voting rights to be restricted to men of property.  the kolkhoz profit was shared.

Activities NCERT Text Book 
Page 28.Activity 
List the difference between Capitalists and Socialist Ideas on private property.
Ans.Under the capitalist system individuals owned private property 
while under the socialists, society as a whole or state, controlled property.  property productive was the guiding principle,
Page 29.Activity.
Imagine that a meeting has been called in your area to discuss the socialist.idea of doing away with private property and introducing collective owenership.Write the speech you would make at the meeting if you are 
a.a poor labourer working in the fields.
b.a medium level landowner.
c.a house owner.
Answer : a A Poor Labourer Working in the Fields, Dear friends, nature has not done any partiality in providing resources to everyone and so some people owning more land than others is incorrect. All the profits from our crops are the result of hard work done by people like me in planting seeds, watering the crops, keeping them free from weeds and harvesting them. So, I think we labourers should share in the profits made from sale of crops,instead of of getting a subsistence wage.To enable this, private ownership of property needs to be abolished and collective ownership of the fields by all the labourers who are working on it introduced.  
(b) A Medium Level Landowner,Respected friends,I do not agree that private ownership of property should be removed. It is not rational and will reduce the crop production. You will not try to increase crop production if the whole profit is not going to you. In fact, what should be done is the equitable distribution of land to all, so that only some people do not own large tracts of land, while others have to manage with small areas of land, or are deprived completely of any land ownership. So, all should be landowners so that everybody benefits.  

(c) A House Owner Friends,I think everybody should have the basic necessities of life like food, shelter and clothing, but not at the expense of other people's property. Those who do not have land should be given the means to earn their livelihoods in whatever manner is convenient.We have earned our property through the sincere efforts of our ancestors and so we should not be deprived of the labour and wisdom of our forefathers in acquiring land. I think this is very reasonable.
Page 33.Activity.
Why were there revolutionary disturbances in Russia in 1905?What were the demands of the revolutionaries? 
Ans.Revolutionary movements had been growing in Russia prior to 1905. The shameful defeat of Russia in the Russo - Japanese War of 1904, rise in prices of essential commodities and subsequent decline in real wages, together with the incident of Bloody Sunday 'were the immediate causes  for revolutionary disturbances in Russia in 1905.  • The revolutionaries demanded a constituent assembly, along with increase in wages, improvement in working conditions and an eight - hour working day.
The year is 1916.You are a general in theTsar's Army on the eastern front.You are writing a report for the government in Mascow. In your report what you think the government should do to improve the situation.
Page.36 Activity.
Look again at source A and Box 1.
List the five changes in the mood of workers.
Place yourself in the postion of a women who has seen both situations and write an account of what has changed. 
 Ans. Women workers were an inspiration to men co-workers - initiated strikes.  
(ii) Fearlessness - single handedly called the strike.  
(iii) Unity among gender - presented red bows to men.
(iv) Sacrificial mood. 
(v) Determined.
Place yourself in the position of a woman who has seen both situations and write an account of what has changed?  
Ans.While previous workers gave vent to their feelings of frustration and organized action fearing counter action,after the February Revolution workers were fearless, ready for sacrifice, rebellious, determined and supportive of each other's action cutting across gender differences.
Read the two views on the revolution in the countryside.Imagine yourself to be a witness to the events.Write a short account of from the standpoint of owner of an estate.b.a small peasant c.a journalist. 
Why did the people in Central Asia, respond to the Russian Revolution in different ways?Ans.People in Central Asia responded positively and with enthusiasm to the February Revolution of 1917 because the revolution freed them from the oppression of the Tsar's regime and strengthened their hopes for autonomy.  
They responded with fear to the October Revolution of 1917 because violence, pillage, extra taxes and dictatorial power of the Bolsheviks replaced the autocracy of the Tsar.
Bolsheviks brutally massacred local nationalism in the name of defending socialism.  
Many unpopular policies like discouragement of nomad ism were forced on the local governments.
The tyranny of the Tsar was replaced by the tyranny of the Bolsheviks.  
Page.47 Activity
What did Indians find impressive about the USSR?  
Ans.India in 1920's and 1930's was a colony of the British,and there existed caste and class differences.
Most of the population was ignorant, backward and poor.
Naturally.Indians like Shauket Usmani and RabindranathTagore who visited USSR during this period were impressed to see the level of development of the nation and progress of the people in a short span of 10 years.
Freedom from the Tsar they felt had ended class and religious barriers


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