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Showing posts from August, 2020

How to Create a Google Sheet Cross List Result

Chapter 1. How to Create a Google Sheet Cross List  Result Step 1: Open your Google Drive.Choose  the Google Sheet. Step 2: Open the the New file Start a New Spreadsheet by clicking over the Blank. New blank sheet will be opened. Step 3: Give the name of that Untitled Spread Sheet. Start making the result as you do the same on your Excel Sheet.Get it prepared and to be shared. Step 4:   If you are not known to edit on Google Sheet  then make a   Prepared an offline Result on Excel Sheet . Upload this file in your Google Drive .In mobile by opening your drive and using plus mark that gives you option for uploading the file which u want. Step 5:  Open the  Google Excel Sheet. Click the   Blank. Click the File. Come to right hand sided   File   option. Click the File.   Open and get   Import  option.Import file from your   Drive .The File will be uploaded in your desired frame.Now after creating a link and sending the file will be in your editing command.  Create the new


SYLLABUS STD.   - III  SOCIAL STUDIES  Pre - Mid - Term Test / Quarterly (July)  Syllabus to be covered: 40%  Full Marks: 50  Weightage of Marks: 50 Marks from PMT Syllabus 1 to 8 in  Book Recommended: We and our World - 3  Chapters:    1.    The family  2.Family Similarities  3.Our food  4.Our Dresses  5.The Early Man Learning about works 6.Learning about works.  Suggested Projects:  (a) Draw a family tree and write the name of members in it.   (b)  Find all the similarities in your family members and make a chart. (c)Organize special lunch party where each child brings some special dish of his State / Community / Family.    (d) Draw or paste different types of dresses worn in different states of our country  (e) Paste the pictures of early man.    Write about their life style, food habit, and hunting animals etc.    (f) Respect for self and others is important.    Give four reasons in support of the Comment.    Activities:  (a) List the methods by which you can

VIII.Inside Questions Answers.Chapter 8.Modern India.

VIII.CW/HW/Assignment Record Sheet. Inside Questions /Answers / Activity/ Discuss/Figure Discussion. Chapter 9.The Modern Period. Inside Questions /Answers Chapter 9.Page 95. Date ..... Q.When did the Modern Period begin in India? Ans Indian History marked the Modern Period that began in the 18th century after 1707 when the Mughal Emperor Aurangjeb breathed his last. Group Members.... Chapter 8. The Modern India. Inside Questions/Answers Page no 95. Q.1. In which century Modern Period of Indian history began? Ans  - About Eighteenth century  Modern Period of Indian history began. Q.2. When did the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb breathe his last? Ans: -  The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb breathed his last in 1707. Q.3 - How was India exploited? Ans - India was exploited politically, socially economically and culturally. Q.4 In which century East India Company extend and consolidate its control over India more? Ans - In 19 th  century East India Company t

X.Inside Questions Answers.Chapter 1.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.

Chapter 1.History. The Rise Of Nationalism in Europe. Short Question Answers. Insides Page no  3. Q.What does 'Absolutist ' mean?  Answer:- the term refers to a form of monarchial government that was centralised , militarised and repressive.Page 3. Q.What were  the features of personified Liberty female figure?   Page 3 (i) She bears the Torch of Enlightenment in one hand and; (ii) She bears Charter of the Rights of Man in the other hand. Q.Who was Frederic Sorrieu?  Ans : He was a French artist who prepared a series of four prints  visualizing  his dream of a world made up of 'democratic and social Republics'.  Q. Name four countries which were part of the procession shown in Frederic Sorrieu's print.  Ans Germany, Australia, Hungary and Russia.  Q.Which countries were already nation states? Page 3 Ans: The countries such as United States and Switzerland were already nation states. Page no 4. Q.What is a nation - state ?  Ans : A state in which the majority of its

IX.History.Insides.Questions Answers.Chapter1.French Revolution

Chapter - 1 The French Revolution   Inside Questions Answers Inside Page.3 Q.1.What did the events take place on 14th July,1789 in France? Answer : Louis XVI had commanded troops to move into the city and open fire upon the citizens 7000 men and women gathered in front of town hall and decided to form a people's militia. Agitated crowd broke into a number of government buildings in search of arms/weapons. A group of several hundred people stormed the fortress prison, the Bastille, where they hoped to find hoarded ammunition. The crowd destroyed the Bastille, the commander of the Bastille was killed and the prisoners released. Inside questions- Q.2.About how many people gathered in front of town hall to make a people's militia? Ans - 7,000  people gathered in front of town hall to make a people's militia. Q.3.For which reason the king ordered his army to open fire upon the citizens? Ans - The king ordered his troops to open fire open the citizen....becaus

Glossary.VIII.History.Chapter 8.The Modern Period.

CHAPTER - 1 Modern Period. Glossary/Hard Words/Meanings Page no - 1 Glossary/Hard Words/Meanings. Date ........ Scenario - Noun. (परिदृश्य)  A description of what happens. Chapter , 8 The Modern Period Key Words 1. Artifact : Noun  (कलाकृतियों)  A n object made by human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest like weapons, jewellery, coins, etc.  2. Bill :  Noun  (विल)  A  draft of law presented before a law making body for consideration.  4. Renaissance : Noun   (पुनर्जागरण काल) A  revival of or renewed interest in something.  5. Vernacular : Noun. ( मातृभाषा) T he language or dialect spoken by the common people of a particular country/clan/group.  Page no.- 95 Glossary. 1. Crumble - Verb .(  टुकङे-टुकङे हो जाना या कर देना ) T o break or make something break into very small pieces.  2. Scenario - Noun. (  भावी घटनाओं का परिदृश्य ) O ne way that things may happen in the future.  3. Herald   - Verb. (  इस बात का संकेत होना की कुछ घटित