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VII.Chapter 21.Civics.Advertising and Democracy

Chapter 21
 Advertising and Democracy
LO Every day we see advertisements on the radio, television and newspapers.  Advertisements can be seen everywhere, on the shopping carts in super markets, walls of cinema halls, bus stands, railway stations, airports, hoardings, etc.  Advertising is a powerful medium.  It persuades the customer to purchase a particular product or service by describing its good points, which are mostly exaggerated.  It is a method of mass promotion in which a single message can reach a large number of people.  It spreads its message to the consumers by making use of mass media like television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, Internet, billboards, direct mailing, etc.  A huge amount of money is spent on advertisements to motivate the customers to buy a particular product.  For example, a mother is shown using a particular brand of flour to make chapatties which makes her family smile as they eat them.  The message is driven home to the public that if they want a happy and healthy family, then they should also use only that particular 'brand' of flour.  So far wheat and flour were sold BREADYATRR!  open at the local chakki (grinding mill).  But now various types of flours are packaged and sold under the AMUL WUITE DRESS names like - special flour for growing WONTON MORE MASKA?  children, flour for the young, flour for FEEL THE SOUND healthy heart, etc.  The objective of such advertisements is to convince the consumer to use their brand of product.  Such advertisements create an associated picture of success and happiness in customers' mind and hence, they become loyal to a Particular brand.  The availability of many brands creates confusion in the mind of the consumer.  There is a big competition Advertisements AMUL BUNAD 175
in the market among various brands, each propagating its benefits.  Then, how does the consumer decide which one to buy?  Here the manufacturer goes a step further by providing attractive visuals and jingles in his advertisements to make them catchy.  Advertising through 'stars' also creates brand loyalty.  The brand ambassadors charge big money based on their popularity.  People, especially the youth, identify and favor brands that are associated with successful public figures and hence, want to possess the product.  Let us not forget the fact that the brand ambassadors are quickly replaced, once they are no more newsworthy!  SOCIAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE ADVERTISING There is another type of advertising that has carved an important place for itself.  It is social or public service advertising.  It means applying marketing and advertising principles to promote health and social issues.  It aims to change the attitude and behavior of the public and bring about positive changes in the society like advertising campaigns for Polio Drops, ORS, etc, advertising has played an important role in making chat ru us aware of our responsibility towards the society.  A spoiled today!  documentary film by the Ministry of Social Welfare subscriber EHT shows that girls are as capable of achieving success in their chosen fields as the boys are, when given the National Review Alliance new 1800-11-4000 / opportunity.  It motivates the people to send their daughters to school and not think of them as a burden.  Today, more and more girls are sharing the responsibility of their parents.  Discontinue any Swabhima Pani Vitaranna, Matnajariya Manpur Shrimo and run away for redress.  ... but first they need to learn how to spell social advertising has benefitted many public awareness programs like importance of mother's milk for the baby, method of making baby food at home with grains and pulses, need of hygiene, education, respect for traffic  rules, etc.  The Indian government has successfully protected the public interest by banning the advertising of tobacco futures and alcohol on radio, television and newspapers.  OF Advertising is also used by many other India ... "INDIA" organizations that are not selling a product or would be shaped service but want to inform the public about their objectives, achievements and projects.  They IN ME Ang reduction when are political parties, interest groups, religious groups and defense services.  by Kids the FUTURE INDIA 176.
Advertising is capable of reaching out to a large audience.  Advertising techniques can be used to create awareness among the people and motivate them to take necessary precautions.  Such advertisements may be related to water conservation, energy conservation, deforestation, health awareness or the ill effects of illiteracy EFFECTS of advertising advertising, through TV programmes and newspapers, enables us to afford "luxuries" because without advertising, they would be very expensive.  Media gets most of its revenues from publicity and hence, try to make their medium a popular place for communicating advertisements to the people before any information or entertainment program.  Advertising persuades some people to buy even those things that they do not need and hence, it leads to wasteful carefully.  Another problem related with advertising is "Quack" or false advertising.  Strict rules are needed to protect the innocent customers from misleading promises like height increase, immediate weight loss, etc.  Do you know?  Government laws must protect the interest advertising has become a market of its own of the consumer.  Many companies distribute and it offers a large number of jobs along samples of their products free of cost to the with providing information to people.  customer, to 'hook' them to their product.  ADVERTISING AND DEMOCRACY In this chapter, we have read about the social and public service advertisements.  These types of advertisements strengthen the democracy of a country.  In a democratic set-up, every individual or manufacturer can advertise his product which is only possible by spending huge money.  But what happens to a person who makes sweets or samosas at home and sells them from door to door?  These small businesses do not have the money to spend on advertising.  They depend on 'word of mouth' publicity.  But they have to compete against highly advertised items that make the people believe that branded and packaged goods are better.  Porridge (dalia) available at the local corner shop has to compete against porridge carrying a brand name!  The small businesses fail to convince the people that they can buy quality goods, even if they do not carry a brand name on the package.  Most people opt to buy packaged items believing them to be better than the items sold without packaging, for example, gram flour (besan) samolina (suji) etc.  Whereas, usually we see that open grounded items from a local shop / chakki may be of better Do You Know?  The date of expiry and date of manufacture of any item must be checked before buying, quality than the packed ones.  177
Thus, brands can create discrimination in the society which is undemocratic and create inequality WE'VE WOT CHANGE WERE STILL THE SMARTEST WAY TO TY un WE MADE THEM CHANGE among the masses.  Another unfortunate impact of advertising is that it engrains stereotype attitudes.  Some advertisements show a family sitting on the table and the woman cooking the food.  Another advertisement shows a woman picking up vegetables from the vendor's cart while returning from the office.  The men are invariably shown buying computers or cars.  A man can cook as well as a woman, or a woman may know more about computers than a man!  This type "WE'VE of advertising creates gender discrimination and hence, is CHANGED against the basic principles of democracy, many people cannot afford branded items. They feel that they are failing in their duty by not providing a Ad war particular brand of flour for  their growing children. They may not be able to afford a branded shirt for an official meeting. They start developing a feeling of inability. This creates distance between the rich and the poor. It is against democracy where everyone should enjoy equality irrespective of his or  her social or economic status, CONSUMERISM A consumer is a person who buys by paying the price for some goods or services (insurance, transport, electricity, banking, etc.). In the good old days there was a direct relationship between the seller and  the consumer exhibited his goods; the buyer thoroughly examined them before purchasing. the consumer was treated respectfully and a bond was established between t  he seller and the consumer.  But the times changed with commercialization and the buyer came to be referred to as a consumer.  The personal relation between the buyer and the seller has ended.  Sometimes, a shopkeeper or a manufacturer cheats us by charging more for a commodity or giving us poor quality goods.  Many companies give a lot of information about the good points of the product but fail to supply the necessary information, like safety, durability, after sale - service or its effect on health or environment, that a consumer needs to know.  The consumer has to be aware of his / her right to redress the problem when required.  The consumer awareness is low in India due to the lack of education and awareness among the masses.  Consumerism is all about protection of the interests of the consumers.  It is a social movement seeking to protect the rights of consumers in relation to the producers of goods and providers of services, 178)
Consumerism is a collective consciousness on the part of consumers, businesses, gove society to enhance the consumer's satisfaction and social welfare, that in turn, will benefi The Government of India has set - up Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which was ea as  ISI.  BIS lays down standards for industrial and consumer goods.  All food items are star Agmark - Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act.  Government of India Bureau of Indian Standards Main Features of Consumerism There are various components of consumerism: 1. A consumer must be aware of his / her rights and should protect his / her rights.  2. He / She should raise voice against exploitation.  3. He / She should seek redressal of his / her complaints.  4. Voluntary consumer organizations should encourage / guide / assist in safeguarding his / 5. Government laws must protect the interest of the consumer.  6. Business houses must adopt a code of conduct for regulating their activities.  Consumerism has gradually developed into a powerful force to aid and protect the applying legal, moral and economic pressure on producers and providers.  If you feel cheated by a shopkeeper and want to complain in a consumer cou application, attach cash memo, warrantee or guarantee card and submit it to the Distri Court.  Read newspaper daily to be an aware consumer and save yourself from being cheat keywords.  .  brand: name given to a product with some unique value / quality ISI: the earlier abbreviation for BIS.  It stands for Indian Standard Institute.  Manufacturer: someone who makes and sells a product.  product: a thing offered in market for sale, stereotype;  pre - conceived notions / bias thinking about someone / or any group of people.  .  .  179


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