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VII.Chapter 20.Civics.Media -

Chapter 20
Media - 
The Mainstay of Democracy the Media refers to various means of communication that help in communicating to a large number of people ame time.  Radio, television, cinema, newspapers, magazines and internet are all means of communication.  Since they help in communicating messages to millions of people at thie same time, they are called mass media.  Today, it is difficult to imagine life without them.  INTERDEPENDENCE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MEDIA We live in fast changing times.  Various developments in the field of communication technology since the end of twentieth century, have left a deep impact on us.  The latest technologies help media to reach out to the masses.  The impact of technology can be seen on the billboards, newspapers, periodicals, CDs, DVDs, television programmes, films, etc.  The print media has changed tremendously.  In earlier times, raised and carved designs of seals were pressed on wet clay or wax for printing marks to close agreements, record transactions, and authorize documents.  Chinese influenced the development in the field of printing to a large extent.  They invented paper.  The hand - copied and illustrated books by Buddhist monks, gave it a further thrust.  The German printer Johannes Gutenberg is credited with the invention of the first printing machine with a type mold PRACIN Gutenberg brought out the first printed Bible in the mid - fifteenth century.  Today, computers control the printing process where materials to be printed are fed into the memory of printing machines to print newspapers, magazines and books, modern printing machine 166)
LUL Central Station Communication Hub Local Station Communication in electronic media, television is very important Aeronautical Satellite for a number of reasons the amount of time mobile station that many people spend watching it, its ability to bring together a sense of national identity and its powerful role  as a source of information about various aspects of life.  In present times, it is the prime source for the public to know about the current affairs, sports games, progress of wars, political situation in a country, etc.  Thus, it Local Station has a great impact on the public perception and land mobile opinion.  Station cable and satellite network has improved the connectivity in rural, mountainous and urban maritime mobile areas.  Thus communication technology has successfully ended 'narrowcasting (limited to a country) and gone across international boundaries satellite transmission process to create a' global culture '.  On one hand, technology has improved the efficiency of media and on the other, media updates us on the advances in technology, whether it is a new form of Internet connection or diet pills.  For example, media uses digital technology to provide improved quality of sound and picture as well as influences our thinking.  Moreover, media helps us to think on global level, beyond the narrow boundaries of our country.  But the media will have to take steps to control the misuse of the means of mass communication to protect the public interest.  ROLE OF MONEY IN MEDIA Station cameras, recorders, etc.  Look at the picture of a newsroom or studio of a television channel.  Notice the expensive equipment, computers, light transmitters, besides the newsreader, many people like director, editor, producer, cameramen, lightmen and many others, are involved in the process of telecasting the news to you.  The studios require constant upgradation of technology to provide quality service.  All this needs a lot of investment.  Hence, television channels and newspapers are owned or are supported by big business houses.  TV newsroom 167
Media is a powerful tool in the hands of the rich.  They are in media to make money and propagate their class interest.  The biggest source of income is to advertise a wide range of products for skin creams to cars.  The viewer is exposed to a number of advertisements each highlighting the wonders of its product.  A feature film of two - hours duration is stretched to four hours as one advertisement is followed by another, during frequent 'breaks'.  The condition during a cricket match is similar where advertisements are squeezed in after every 'over'.  Today along with Indian business houses, many multi - national companies also own a big share of Indian media.  The programmes cut across national and cultural boundaries and expose the viewers to a wide spectrum.  Visual media MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY in a democratic country like India, media plays an important role in creating aware and enlightened citizens.  Indian media has been successful in creating public opinion about the bride burning issues exposing scandals and building the confidence of the people.  It also ensures that the political power other parties and powerful groups do not step beyond their limits.  Media is the main source of information.  Interviews, speeches and panel discussions make viewers aware of the opinions of different political parties, eminent personalities from various fields and the hopes and aspirations of the general public.  The information helps the citizens to form opinions, learn about the working plans and programmes that the government is undertaking, their successful implementation or failure.  Television and newspaper reporters are always ready to cover rallies, protest marches or local body meetings with politicians / public officials to answer the querries and apprehensions of the people.  The querries can be about the success or the failure of plans and facilities promised at the time of elections.  News Reporter 168
Critter rwanemieshi TROLLAT IL SITO 90 TWTIMOINSA Einand Tasul DIM The print media also helps in building public Hindustan Times opinion by providing information to the public.  Reports, editorials and letters published in the newspapers and magazines, influence the public opinion, which the government cannot afford to ignore.  Print media is easily available and has a MUMBAI ATTACKED lasting impact on the people.  Its readership has VIJAYA TIMES increased with effective and appealing pictures, MUMBAI ATTACKED cartoons, graphs, maps, etc.  Television and radio make the rural, illiterate masses aware of the latest happenings in their TERROR BLASTS region or the country on the whole.  Stories and Business Line in RUSH - HOUR discussions about the wrong practices of village heads and money lenders have attracted the Dainik Bhaskar 45 attention of the government as well as the public.  Mumbai Dahl Los Angeles Times BOMBED, NOT BOWED Media also brings out the defects in the governance and administration.  Indian cinema has also played an important role Obodo * FUS in creating awareness about social evils, political DEOCANERALI wow wow 7 do cards malpractices, economic exploitation and the fast changing Indian society and its value system.  Our films in Hindi, English and all the vernacular languages ​​have a huge following in India and the How THE ASIAN AGE world.  Some films impart important messages and have great impact on us.  The ever - increasing hunger of the viewers for information has led to an increase in many newspapers Hindi and English television channels along with a number of regional channels.  They Do You Know?  reminds the politicians about their unfulfilled promises and their responsibilities towards the film Lage Raho Munna Bhai was exempted their constituency and the nation.  During the from entertainment tax by the government elections, they help the people, especially as it taught the lesson of non-violent protest, the illiterates, in electing the right persons to even though in a 'filmi' style.  power.  ains clamp Mumbai vodom TRAIN TERROR KILUS 107 169
not favor a class / person or an organization media should give an unbiased balanced report covering but it is very important that the information provided by media is 'balanced and impartial' It show A2Z BUT PARAAN RE INTY CHANEL People UNON NEWS ENS 0 time SAMADA SAMARE  GALAMA SAMARA SAMARA points of views and then leave it to ABN VASHIAN the viewers or readers to make - up NEWS nane usic their minds.  EADLINE: FI 2 123 What do you do when you look TODAY at a news item?  Do you believe it WISE MAHAA immediately or look at it critically NEWS and think about the other side of the story?  Do you ever wonder if it NOW RAJ Rad RKAN NEWS AVEC the media is impartial and gives you truth and the truth alone?  You will find it surprising television channels that in 1857 the British passed the 'Gagging Act', which empowered the government to ban the circulation of any newspaper book or other printed material that could weaken the authority of the British government after independence, on 26 January  1950 Our Constitution safeguarded the 'Freedom of Press' as a Fundamental Right under Freedom of Speech and Expression with certain limitations in the interests of the public.  In recent times, the role and importance of media is changing at a rapii speed due to globalization, privatisation and increasing use of communication satellites.  Indian media is free.  But sometimes, the government can ban the media from broadcasting or publishing certain items to protect the interest of our country or some religious / cultural group This is known as censorship.  Do you know?  In one of the movements known as MKSS, the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan the common people asked for copies of bills, vouchers and names of persons who have been paid wages in the construction of schools, dispensaries, small dams and community centers.  Documents showed that the projects were complete but it was a common knowledge that funds were misused.  The roofless school buildings, dispensaries without walls, incomplete dams and community centers having no doors and windows were a proof of the people's demand.  RIGHT TO INFORMATION (RTI) ACT OF 2005 In a democracy the government must share the power with the humblest if it wants to empower the weakest.  It is precisely because of this reason that the Right to Information (RTI) 170
as RIGHT INFO to FON Act of 2005 was passed.  This right is closely linked with our basic rights, such Freedom of Speech and Expression and Right to Education.  This was passed due to the demands of various MY RIGHT, MY MIGHT, organizations and movements THE RIGHT TO KNOW for attaining this right.  Under the KEEPING GOV'T ACCOUNTABLE provisions of Right to Information Act, any citizen may request information from a 'public authority', which is required to reply within thirty days.  The Right to Information has enabled the citizens to access the information that is under the control of a public authority.  This right has promoted transparency and accountability in the working of different departments.  Media is like a watchdog in a democracy that keeps the government active and the public involved.  From the position of being a medium of information, it has become a powerful force in our daily life.  The selection and the extent media coverage by a television channel or a newspaper has set objectives behind it.  It is important to make a critical appraisal of media before accepting or rejecting the news or the views.  Let us hope that the media brings important issues to the forefront, that are otherwise ignored.  It must always draw the attention of the public and the government towards issues like scarcity of clean drinking water, lack of health facilities, crime and violence, illiteracy, female infanticide, etc.  cracy without a free media is like a car without wheels.  "Keywords accountability: taking responsibility for one's action / decisions. Gagging: to prevent someone from expressing / speaking freely. Infanticide: death of infants / children too young, public perception: the way general people think about some issue. Transparency: visible to all  or not hiding the facts. unbiased: not favoring someone / not being unfair watchdog: the one who makes sure that people in authority do not misuse their power. 171


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