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VII.Chapter 16.Geo.Emergence of Independent States

Chapter 16 
Emergence of Independent States
KA Gha om Rast Multan Detha Jodhpur Rag Aga.  Joure Amer Meww SIND Berres Namdabad Guarat Beg Surat Hugo Ahoradraga Man BAY OF BENGAL GOOD ARABIAN SEA.  Spur Mysore Go Madres Pondicherry Calato Cochin INDIAN LANKA OCEAN Independent States
 The Mughal empire had knitted the whole country into one single unit.  The death of the Emperor Aurangzeb led to a steady decline of the Mughal empire.  Gradually, it lost its glory and the empire became limited to only a few square kilometres around Delhi.  In 1803, the British army occupied Delhi and the Mughal emperor became a mere pensioner.  The wars of succession had become a tradition among the Mughals.  This deteriorated the political and the financial condition of the empire.  Many local and regional forces started emerging in India.  In the eighteenth century, a large number of independent and semi - independent powers came to the front like Bengal, Awadh, 131
Hyderabad, Mysore and Maratha kingdoms.  The British had to overcome these powers to establish their empire in India.  Some of these states had come into existence because of the breaking away of the governors of the provinces from the Mughal empires.  Some other states came into powe.  because of the revolts by local Chiefs and Zamindars.  But unfortunately, they were not able to improve the economic condition of their states.  BENGAL Murshid Quli Khan took advantage of the weak central authority and took over the control or Bengal where he had been appointed as a Subedor and then a Dewan.  He became the Governor of the province of Bengal only in 1717 CE and established internal and external peace there.  He organized the revenue system and gave loans to the poor cultivators.  He granted equal opportunities to the Hindus and Muslims in the appointment to high official posts.  After the death of Murshid Quli Khan, Shuja - ud - din and Alivardi Khan became the Nawabs of Bengal later.  All three Nawabs of Bengal realized the importance of trade and thus, provided Do You Know?  all facilities to the local and foreign merchants.  They built roads, thanas, etc.  The Nawabs of Bengal were short - sighted and they were even forced the officers of the East failed to see the increasing threat of the East India Company, as they were ignorant of the destruction India Company to obey the laws of the caused by Western trading companies in  Africa, land and pay the same customs duty as parts of Asia and South America, was paid by local merchants.  AWADH Saadat Khan laid the foundation of a kingdom in the province of Awadh when the Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah appointed him as the Governor of Awadh in 1722 CE.  He controlled the opposition by the zamindors and reformed the revenue system to protect the peasants from the zamindars.  He established an efficient administration and a well - paid, well - trained and well - armed army.  Saadat Khan's nephew, Safdar Jung, succeeded him in 1739 CE.  He also became a Wazir at the Mughal court.  He established peace which led to the development and prosperity of Awadh.  It also helped in the growth of Lucknavi culture around the Awadh court.  HYDERABAD The state of Hyderabad was founded by Nizam - ul - Mulk Asaf Jah in 1724 CE.  He was a powerful noble under the Mughal emperor, Farrukh Siyar.  He was made the Viceroy of Deccan to suppress the opposition and to establish an efficient administration.  132
administration, but was disgusted with the corruption and fickle - mindedness of the emperor.  He decided to go back to Deccan and laid the foundation of Hyderabad state, but never openly declared sh ay in 1720 CE, he became a Wazir of the Emperor, Muhammad Khan.  He tried to improve the Hyderabad again.  mis independence from the Mughal ruler.  He suppressed the revolts of zamindars and put an end to the corruption in the revenue system.  But after his death in 1748 CE, disturbance started in the states of Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad never openly asserted their independence even though they had established independent kingdoms.  They continued to please the emperor by sending tributes or by helping him in the time of need.  But, there were other states that openly asserted their independence from the Mughal empire.  They were the Sikhs, the Marathas and the Rajputs.  SIKHS Guru Nanak was the first guru of Sikhs.  Sikhism was a religious reform movement but Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth guru, transformed the Sikhs into a powerful political and military force.  He fought many wars against Aurangzeb.  After the demise of Guru Gobind Singh, the institution of Guruship came to an end.  The leadership of the Sikhs passed into the hands of his trusted disciple, Banda Bahadur.  He tried to unite the peasants and the lower castes and wage an unequal war against the Mughal army but failed.  The upper castes in Punjab were against him and hence, joined his opponents.  Guru Nanak Do You Know?  Maharaja Ranjit Singh acquired the world famous Koh - I - Noor, diamond and brought it back to India which had been taken away by Nadir Shah.  The plunder caused by the invasion of Nadir Shah and Ahmed Shah Abdali gave an opportunity to the Sikhs to rise once again.  They looted and fortified their army to establish a Sikh state.  They took over Punjab and Jammu.  133
At the end of eighteenth century, Ranjit Singh rose to power.  He was a born leader, a brave soldier and an able administrator.  He captured Lahore and Amritsar.  He brought all the Sikh chiefs under his control and established his kingdom in Punjab.  He also conquered Kashmir, Peshawar and Multan His army was well equipped and disciplined.  It comprised of Sikhs as well as Gurkhas, Biharis, Oriyas, Pathans, Dogras and Punjabi Muslims.  He also manufactured cannons.  Ranjit Singh used the political power for the benefit of all the communities, as he was tolerant towards other religions.  His most trusted minister was Fakir Azizuddin and his finance minister was Dewan Dina Nath.  He was a clever diplomat.  When the British took over the control of the Sikh states in Maharaja Ranjit Singh the east of Satluj, he kept quiet as he realised his superior military strength.  In this way, he saved his own kingdom from them for the time being.  After his death, the British conquered his kingdom.  MARATHAS Shivaji challenged the powerful empire of Mughals during the reign of Aurangzeb and laid the foundation of the Maratha state.  The brilliant Maratha commanders and statesmen filled the vacuum created by the disintegrating Mughal authority.  They became a major political power in India and succeeded in capturing Delhi in 1760. But they failed to replace the Mughal empire because of lack of unity and organized programmes.  But their constant wars destroyed the Mughal empire.  Shivaji was an able administratoranda military commander.  His mother Jija Bai instilled patriotism in him.  He captured the Forts of Torana and Purandar and fought many battles against Bijapur and the Viceroy of Deccan.  You have read that Aurangzeb had sent Jai Singh to persuade Shivaji to meet the Mughal emperor but was tricked and was imprisoned.  He managed to run away from the prison along with his son Sambhaji, hidden in fruit baskets.  Shivaji 134
Aurangzeb had to accept Shivaji as a king and want fum the Jagir of Berar.  Shivaji established a Hindu state and took over the title of Chhatrapati.  of Shivaji and his aunt Tara Bai that divided the loyalty do you know?  A civil war started between Shahu, the grandson Shivaji divided his empire into three parts: Swaraj or own kingdom, Mulk - t - quadim or old territory and the territories that were a part of Mughal empire.  of the Maratha sardars.  The Maratha government underwent a change under Balaji Vishwanath, the Peshwa domination began.  peshwa (Chief Minister) of King Shahu and a period of the Maratha power spread over Malwa, Gujarat and parts of Bundelkhand.  Nizam - ul - Mulk of Deccan was forced to grant the chauth and sardeshmukhi to the Marathas.  The Marathas made repeated attacks on Bengal and forced the Nawab of Bengal to do you know?  give them Orissa (now Odisha).  The main source of the state income was taxes The Maratha army was strengthened by like chauth and sardeshmukhi Chauth was one including European style infantry and artillery.  fourth of the land revenue.  It was collected in return of the protection provided to the territories which were not under the direct control of the king.  Sardeshmukhi was an additional tax of ten per cent which Shivaji demanded as he was the Chief (Head) of Maharashtra.  An efficient team of officers ran the administration under the Maratha king.  There were 280 forts in Shivaji's possession.  A Havaldar controlled each fort and the surrounding territory.  The army was also divided into different grades.  Shivaji's army was well - known for Guerilla Warfare which suited the mountainous region.  A small band of soldiers could easily attack the large enemy force and then run away to safety RAJPUTS Many Rajputs tried to establish independent states after the death of Aurangzeb.  Ajit Singh, the King of Marwar (Jodhpur) and Sawai Jai Singh, the King of Amber (Jaipur) took advantage of the war of succession among the emperor's sons and declared their independence from the Mughal empire.  They were fed up of religious and administrative intolerance under Aurangzeb.  Jai Singh had the governorship of Surat and Agra and Ajit Singh was the Governor of Ajmer and Gujarat.  The King of Mewar (Udaipur) had always opposed the Mughals.  Now he got an opportunity to consolidate power Unfortunately, the Rajput states were unable to unite due to mutual rivalry.  The surrounding territories diminished due to the increasing power of Jats, Sawai Jai Singh Marathas and local rulers.  135
MYSORE The state of Mysore rose to prominence in south India after the decline of the Mughal power earlier, it was ruled by Chikka Krishna Raj but the real power was in the hands of Wodeyar brother Devaraja and Nanajaraja.  Haider Ali (1760–82) became the ruler of Mysore and carried out successful wars against Marathas and the Nizam after Haider Ali, his son Tipu Sultan (1782.99 became the ruler. He introduced many reforms in the army, trade, coinage, weights and  measurements, etc. He encouraged hardwork and protected the farmers. He was also an able warrior and general. He organized his army on European style. He was a Muslim but was tolerant towards other religions. Tipu Sultan was a staunch enemy of the British and  kept opposing them till his death. He Haider Ali sent his ambassadors to France, Turkey, Iran and Arab states to seek help against the British. He tried to modernize his naval power to strengthen his power and to develop external trade. On the whole,  India of eighteenth century lacked social unity due to feudal divisions and economic disparity. The condition of the women was not good. The backwardness of agriculture and industry at the hands of foreign companies destroye  d the internal and the external trade.  Culture, architecture, painting, music and literature also suffered.  Urdu emerged as the 'lingua franca' of high class.  The Hindus received primary education at the temples and the Muslims at the mosques.  Tipu Sultan 136
MARATHAS HYDERABAD Mangalore MYSORE Bangalore Seringapatan o Madras • Kanchipuram Boundary after 1792 Mysore QOR MALABAR VIVI Pondicherry Mysore CARNATIC Ceded to Company in 1792 Ceded to NIZAM in 1792 Offered to MARATHAS but sub gently shared by COMPANY and NIZAM Ceded to COMPANY after 1799 PAN  NIZAM after 1799 Mysore Kingdom after 1792 CE Keywords ambassadors: an accredited diplomat sent by a state as its representative in a foreign country.  fickle-minded individuals or things that are not firm or steady in behavior, opinion or loyalty guerilla warfare: making surprise attacks on the enemy in small groups especially in mountainous region.  jagir: land granted by the king to an officer for his administrative or military service.  lingua franca: language adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages ​​are different tributes: an act or statement to show gratitude, respect or admiration 137


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