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VII.Chapter 12.HIst.Turkish Invasions in North India

Chapter 12
Turkish Invasions in North India
Many small kingdoms emerged powerful in different parts of India.  But their rule was limited to specific regions though they consistently aspired to expand their boundaries The frequent wars among the Rajputs resulted in political disunity in north India.  This attracted invasions by the Turks Abbasid Caliphs of Baghdad recruited the KASHMIR SAIS Turks as guards and professional soldiers.  By the end of the ninth ARASS OF MULTAN Bramaia R Indraprastha century, the power of Caliph weakened.  CHAHAMANAS cham y Rangu NEPAL Brampa GURJARA PUTIHARAS Turks slowly took Praydig Bentus CHAND Paharpur PARAMARAS PALAS over the power and ANARTA Naruda became governors of Closer RASHTRAKUTAS Maikhet (Manyakheta) ARTES BAY OF BENGAL the provinces.  Some of them ARABIAN asserted SEA their independence from the Caliphs.  LV Fluctuating frontier One governor, who LAKSHADWEEP ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS conquered Ghazni in Afghanistan, started a new lineage of rulers known as Ghaznavis.  INDIAN OCEAN India at the time of invasions by Mahmud of Ghazni
Mahmud Ghazni was born in 971 CE.  He ascended the throne in 998 CE.  He decided to invade north - west India where the Gurjara - Pratihara empire had become weak due to frequent battles with Pallavas and Rashtrakutas.  Mahmud Ghazni invaded India 17 times in 27 years (1000–1027 CE).  He wanted to make Ghazni, a small hilly and poor region, into a powerful empire.  He gained the control of Afghanistan and Khurasan.  He was attracted by the great wealth of India.  So, he started plundering towns and temples in north India like Nagarkot, Thanesar, Mathura and Kanauj.  His most destructive attack was directed against Somnath Temple in 1025 CE.  This temple is located on the sea coast of Gujarat.  Rajput Mahmud Ghazni warriors put up a stiff resistance but lost the battle.  Mahmud broke the idol of Somnath and looted property worth 20 million rupees.  Some historians are of opinion that the main objective of Mahmud Ghazni was to propagate Islam and gain popularity among muslims.  Mahmud's invasions exposed the weakness of Indian rulers and paved the way for the establishment of muslim rule in India.  Trade interests also attracted many muslims to settle in India.  also saw the development of a close cultural interaction between India and Islamic Central Asia.  But, Mahmud's destruction of valuable and artistic temples and idols was a great loss This to Indian heritage.  Do you know?  Mahmud Ghazni is remembered as a plunderer of towns and temples in India.  But, in his own country, he is remembered as a great builder of beautiful mosques, palaces and libraries Firdausi.  A famous poet, wrote Shahnama in which he praised the steps that Mahmud Ghazni took to propagate Islam and to build up Ghazni as a great empire.  He also entrusted Al - Biruni to write an account of the Indian sub - continent known as Kitab - Al - Hind.  91
Muhammad Ghori was the ruler of a small kingdom of Ghor in Afghanistan He conquered Ghazni.  He placed it under the charge of his brother and decided to turn his attention towards India to expand his empire unlike Mahmud Ghazni whose main aim of invading India was to loot the great wealth of India The credit of the founding of muslimempire in India goes to Muhammad  Ghori.  He occupied Peshawar, Lahore and Sindh.  He was defeated in the first Battle of Tarain by Prithviraj Chauhan (1191–1192 CE) but was victorious in the second Battle of Tarain and took over Delhi and Ajmer.  His dreamofestablishing an Islamicempire would have been incomplete Muhammad Ghori without conquering kanauj.  A fierce battle took place between the Muslims and the Rajputs.  The power of Rajputs was crushed, King Jaichand was defeated and Muhammad Ghori occupied Kanau and Benaras.  Muhammad Ghori did not have a child of his own.  He put his territories under the charge of his trusted slave and general, Qutubuddin Aibek.  The disunity among Indian rulers and the caste do you know?  The system were the main causes of the success of Ghori and the defeat of Indian rulers.  The common people were except for conquering Gujarat, dissatisfied as they had no contact with the rulers.  Some Ghori was successful in every invasion.  King Bhimdev gave him Rajput rulers helped the Turks against their own country.  such a crushing defeat that Ghori more, the feudal system, where the landowners were could not dream of peeping into very powerful, weakened the power of the kings.  Ghori's Gujarat again.  army was well - equipped and his campaigns were properly planned.  The muslim armies moved swiftly on their horses as compared to the armies of Indian rulers, that used old methods of war, equipment and elephants.  The elephants were not of much help during the war as many a times, they turned their wrath on their own forces!  Keywords caliph: a leader of Islamic polity regarded as a successor of Muhammad.  heritage: the art, building, traditions and beliefs that a society consider important to its history and culture, or the legacy transformed from one generation to another.  historian: an expectation in the study of past events, lineage: the line of descendants of a particular ancestor, family, race.  recruitment: appointment.  92


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