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VII.Chapter 17.Hist.Major Religions.

Chapter 17
Major Religions in Class - Vl, we have learnt about the major religions which prevailed during the ancient period.  started in India during seventh to fifteenth century.  In this chapter, we shall learn about Islam and Sikhism and different religious movements which ISLAM Islam was founded by Prophet Mohammad.  He was born in Mecca in 570 CE and was brought up by his uncle who took him over to Arabia.  Later on, he married a widow under whom he was employed.  At the age of forty, he got the light of wisdom (revelation) while meditating in a cave near Mecca and declared himself the Prophet of Allah.  It is believed that Quran was revealed to him by the God's angel, Gabriel.  Mohammad was opposed to idol worship.  Mohammad was not liked by the orthodox and rich people of Mecca.  He moved to Madina, where he was Do You Know?  warmly welcomed by the people.  After the death of Prophet Mohammad (632 CE), Abu Bakr, Prophet's friend, Mecca and Madina are the two holy was the first adult to embrace Islam.  He became a Khalifa.  cities of pilgrimage for the Muslims.  The Khalifas enjoyed full political and religious powers.  Islam propagated faith in Allah and the prophethood of Mohammad.  Prophet Mohammad preached that Allah punishes us for the bad deeds and rewards us for good deeds.  He also propogated the concept of equality.  The Quran says that to regulate one's life as a true Muslim, a person has to observe the following five principles in his life 1. He should always proclaim oneness of God, i.e.  Do you know?  Allah and Mohammad as his prophet on this earth.  Quran, written in Arabic.  provides the 2. Every Muslim should offer prayers five times daily, Muslim believers with everything that and on Friday afternoon in a mosque, with others.  they need to lead a good and pious life.  3. One should give alms to the poor.  4. Every muslim should keep fast (roza) during the holy month of Ramzan from dawn to dusk.  5. One should, if possible, go on a 'Hai' to Mecca at least once in his lifetime.  141
The greatest contribution of Mohammad was that he united the scattered Arab empire undet one faith.  The conflict among the successors led to the creation of two main sects within Islam These were the Sunni and the Shia sects.  SIKHISM The origin of Sikhism can be traced back to the time of Guru Nanak, the first Guru of Sikhs.  He was born in 1469. Since childhood, he was very happy in the company of saints and sufis.  He propagated that to be one with God, one has to be egoless and denounce lust for worldly pleasures.  He believed in Nirankar Brahma or God.  For him, Rama and Rahim were the same.  He believed in selfless and honest service to humanity.  Do you know?  Guru Nanak established Sangat and Pangat.  • Sangat is the religious gathering where everyone recites the name of God without any distinction of caste, creed, color or race.  Pangat is eating langar by sitting together in a row without any distinction of rich or poor, caste or creed, race or color.  Guru Nanak preached through Kirtans, self - composed Bani 'and songs of other saints.  Sikhismis based on Guru - Shishya tradition.  The sacred scripture of Sikhs is the Adi Granth.  This holy scripture s their 'Guru'.  The hymns are known as Gurabani or Shabad.  Shri Guru Granth Sahib is the source of Divine kirtan for the Sikhs.  Guru Nanak passed away in 1539 CE at Kartarpur.  According to Sikhism, a true Sikh (shishya) is one who believes in one God, has complete faith in ten Gurus, who follows Shri Guru Granth Sahib and acts in accordance with the message of Gurbani.  Every Sikh should be baptized by taking 'Amrit' The second Guru, Guru Angad collected the hymns of Guru Nanak in Gurumukhi script.  Guru Ram Das dug the holy tank known as Amritsar.  The city of Amritsar takes its name from it.  Guru Arjun Dev constructed Gurudwara Harminder Sahib in the center of the tank.  It is also known as the Golden Temple Guru Har Gobind constructed the Akal Takht or the Throne of God near the Golden Temple.  Guru Teg Bahadur was involved in fighting against the oppression by the Mughals.  He inculcated Guru Teg Bahadur courage among the Sikhs to fight against the atrocities of the Mughal rulers.  142
The last Guru, Gobind Singh created the Khalsa Panth at Anandpur popularly known as Takhat Sri Keshgarh Sahib, on the day of Baisakhi in 1699 CE.  Do you know?  Every Amritdhari sikh has to have all the five K's (Kakars) on his body all the time.  They are the symbols of Sikhism.  They are: Kesh, Kangha, Kara, Kaccha and Kirpan (sword / dagger).  Guru Gobind Singh BHAKTI MOVEMENT Bhakti means complete submission and devotion to God.  Bhakti movement started during medieval period but its roots can be traced back to the Vedic period.  Initially, Bhakti saints believed in the worship of God, that is, formless (Nirakar), omnipotent and omnipresent.  They also denounced idol worship Bhakti movement started in the south (Tamil region) during seventh and eighth century.  It preached devotion and loving relationship between devotee and the God to attain Moksha.  The Alvars (Vaishnavities) and Nayanars (Shaivities) condemned rigidities of casteism and taught the lessons of love, devotion and equality.  All over India, the Bhakti saints used local languages ​​to preach their message.  They discarded rituals and sacrifices to create oneness with God.  Ramananda took the ideas of Bhakti to north.  He worshiped Shri Ram with complete devotion and love.  Kabir and Ravidas, belonging to different castes, were his disciples.  Bhakti saints opposed the caste system, superstitions and narrow mindedness.  Kabir and Nanak strongly preached Hindu - Muslim unity.  Kabir Do You Know?  Kabir composed Padas and Dohas in the praise of the Supreme God.  It is said that when he died, covering his body, they only found flowers.  his Hindu and Muslim followers started fighting about the last rites.  When they lifted the cloth 143
Many legends are prevalent about the birth, life and death of Kabir, one of India's most quoted poet and mystic.  It is believed that he was actually the son of a Brahmin widow who abandoned him and that lie was found by a Muslim weaver named Niru, who adopted the boy and taught him the skill of weaving.  He was never formally educated.  According to a legend, the only word that he ever learned to write was 'Rama'.  The worship of Rama was made popular by Tulsidas in north.  Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (Bengal, Odisha), Meera (Rajasthan), Narsimha Mehta (Gujarat) and Surdas (Uttar Pradesh) were the ardent devotees of Krishna.  They worshipped Krishna with love, devotional songs and dance.  Caste or creed was totally set aside.  Chaitanya SUFISM Sufism was inspired by Quran and belief in one God only.  The word 'Sufi' is derived from 'Suf (wool) as these mystics wore a long woollen coat.  Sufis believe that all human beings are children of one God.  Love for humanity is the love for God.  They believed in Guru - Shishya relationship.  Guru was known as Pir (teacher) and Shishya (disciple) as Murid.  The Pirs lived in Kangahs (hermitage - Ashram) along with their disciples.  Some of the practices among the Sufis were similar to Hinduism or Buddhism, e.g.  penance, fasting, pranayam good deeds and belief in equality among all, without any distinction of color, caste or creed.  Tomb of Khwaja Muinnudin Chisti Do You Know?  Sufism believed that to achieve union with the Supreme, one has to pass through ten states: 1. Tauba (repentance) Vara (abstinence) 3. Judah (piety) 4. Zakva (property) 5. Sabra (patience) 6. Shabra (  gratitude) 7. Khauf (fear) 8. Raza (hope) 9. Tawakkul (contentment) 10. Riza (submission to God) 144
except God.  Sufism propagated that God is hag and universe is khalaq.  There is no existence of anyone.  There were five orders (Silsilas) of Sufism.  The three famous were: Chisti Order was established by Khwaja Muinnuddin Chisti.  Suhrawardi Order was established by Shaikh Bahauddin Zakaria.  Naqsh Bandi Order was established by Khwaja Baqi Bittah.  Some famous sufi saints were Baba Farid, Bakhtiar Kaki, Nizamuddin Aulia, Sheikh Salim Chisti, Amir Khusro, etc.  Dargah Nizamuddin Aulia Dargah Sheikh Bahauddin Zakaria Keywords dargah: grave of a Muslim saint.  khalifa: head of the Muslim world.  mystics: those who believe in abstract spiritual truths.  nirankar brahmat: god is formless.  omnipotent having absolute power omnipresent present everywhere at the same time.  .  145


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