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Glossary.VIII.History.Chapter 8.The Modern Period.

Modern Period.
Glossary/Hard Words/Meanings
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Glossary/Hard Words/Meanings.
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Scenario - Noun.(परिदृश्य) A description of what happens.

Chapter , 8
The Modern Period
Key Words
1.Artifact : Noun (कलाकृतियों) An object made by human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest like weapons, jewellery, coins, etc. 
2.Bill : Noun (विल)  A draft of law presented before a law making body for consideration. 
4.Renaissance : Noun (पुनर्जागरण काल) A revival of or renewed interest in something. 
5.Vernacular : Noun.( मातृभाषा) The language or dialect spoken by the common people of a particular country/clan/group. 

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1. Crumble - Verb.( टुकङे-टुकङे हो जाना या कर देना ) To break or make something break into very small pieces. 
2. Scenario - Noun.भावी घटनाओं का परिदृश्य ) One way that things may happen in the future. 
3. Herald  - Verb.इस बात का संकेत होना की कुछ घटित होने वाला है ) To be a sign that something is going to happen soon.
4. Exploit - Verb.दोहन करना )Things exciting or interesting that somebody has done. 
5. Witness - Noun.( गवाह ) A person who sees something happen and who can tell other people about it later.
Witness - Verb किसी घटना का गवाह या साक्षी होना ) To see something happen and be able to tell other people about it later. , 
6. Consolidate - Verb.पक्का करना ) To become or to make your position of power firmer or strong so that is likely to continue. 
7. Reconstruct - Verb.( नष्ट या क्षतिग्रस्त वस्तु का पुननिरमान करना ) To build again something that has been destroyed or damaged.
8. Consolidate - Verb.पक्का करना ) To become or to make your position of power firmer or strong so that is likely to continue. 
9. Reconstruct - Verb.( नष्ट या क्षतिग्रस्त वस्तु का पुननिरमान करना ) To build again something that has been destroyed or damaged.
10.Consolidate - Verb.पक्‍का करना ) To become or to make your position of power firmer or stronger so that is likely to continue.
11.Ruthless- Adjective (बेरहम ) Without pity or compassion for others.
12.Discontentment Noun (असंतोष) Dissatisfaction
13.Colonial power - Noun (औपनिवेशिक सत्ता )The policy or practice of a wealthy or powerful
nation's maintaining or extending its control over other countries, especially in establishing
settlements or exploiting resources.    

Chapter- 8
The Modern Period
Page no.- 96
1.  Administration  - Noun ( शासन प्रबंध ) Management.  
2.  Prose : Noun (गद्य ) Written language not in poetry. 
3.  Biographies : Noun ( जीवन संबंधी ) It is a detailed description of person's life. 
4.  Fervour : Noun ( जोश ) Enthusiasm. 
5.  Vernacular : Noun ( मातृभाषा ) Mother language.          
6. Propaganda : Noun ( प्रचार प्रसार) Publicity. 
7. Repress : Vreb.( रोकना) Prevent. 

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Hard Words.
1.Effective- Adjective ( प्रभाव शाली ).Sufficient. 
2.Settlement -  Noun ( रहन- सहन) To apply any place to live. 
3.Operation - Noun ( काम ) Task.
4.Depend - Verb  ( निर्भर करना)  
5.Experience - Verb  ( मह्सूस करना )  Feel 
6.Exist - Verb ( मौजूद होना) Present 
7.Struggle - Verb  ( संघर्ष करना) To work hard.

Chapter , 8
The Modern Period
Page no 98
Glossary/Words with meaning.
1. Suffering- Noun ( पीड़ा )  The state of undergoing pain, distress or hardship.
2. Imperialism - Noun ( साम्राज्यवाद )  Policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.
Imperialism : Noun उपनिवेशीकरण, सैन्य बल के उपयोग, या अन्य साधनों के माध्यम से देश की शक्ति और प्रभाव का विस्तार करने की नीति ) A policy of extending a country's territory and influence through colonization over a weaker country. 
3. Subsequent - Adjective.( आगामी,बाद में  ) Coming after something in time
4. Achievement - Noun ( उपलब्धि ) Thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage 
5. Revolution - Nounएक नई प्रणाली के पक्ष में, एक सरकार या सामाजिक व्यवस्था को जबरन उखाड़ फेंकना ) A forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system.
6. Renaissance - Noun.किसी वस्तु में पुनरुद्धार या नवीनीकृत रुचि )A revival or renewed interest in something.


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